Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Post doc opportunity below if anyone's looking :)


Dr Anna Belcher
Ecological Biogeochemist
British Antarctic Survey

From: CROCKET Kirsty <k.crocket@ed.ac.uk>
Sent: 18 December 2018 16:39:49
To: CROCKET Kirsty

Dear all,

Please find attached details of a 2-year PDRA position for a marine planktonic ecosystem modeller with the Arctic PRIZE and PEANUTS projects, based at the University of Strathclyde. Further information on applying for the position is here: http://tiny.cc/prize-peanuts-pdra 

Please circulate to anyone who might be interested.

Deadline to apply: 21 January 2019

Best wishes,


Dr Kirsty Crocket

Science Coordinator

NERC Changing Arctic Ocean

School of GeoSciences

University of Edinburgh

The King's Building

James Hutton Road

Edinburgh EH9 3FE


Email: k.crocket@ed.ac.uk

Profile: https://www.changing-arctic-ocean.ac.uk/profile/dr-kirsty-crocket/

Changing Arctic Ocean: https://www.changing-arctic-ocean.ac.uk/

Twitter: @NERC_CAO and @KirstyCrock

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2171-3010
Google Scholar: 

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