Friday, December 22, 2017
BAS Advanced Short Course - Safe & Effective Fieldwork in the Polar Regions
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Funded PhD studentship: Spatial scaling of snow properties for microwave modelling and remote sensing
Remote sensing of water stored seasonally as snow is presently highly uncertain, which will become an observation gap of increasing priority as water resources and water security are highly relevant to society. This project will develop spatial simulations of microwave scattering at frequencies that satellites use. Fundamental to this is the spatial distribution of snow properties, particularly the size of snow crystals. Data analysis will be used to determine the best method of applying sparse field observations to inform spatially distributed computer simulations of snow. In particular, this project will:
1. Analyse new objective measurements of snow properties (obtained from mountain, tundra, lake ice and sea ice environments) relative to traditional snow measurements to determine best methods for application of measurements across a range of spatial scales.
2. Enable snow information to be distributed and used to simulate observations at microwave frequencies with the Snow Microwave Radiative Transfer (SMRT) model.
3. Compare model outputs with airborne and satellite data, which will allow parameter sensitivity testing to support Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE's) in preparation for future snow satellite missions.
This is an exciting opportunity for students interested in remote sensing and environmental modelling. It is essential that applicants have a strong scientific background in disciplines such as geophysics, atmospheric sciences, oceanography or physical geography. Applicants will have strong numerical skills, including computer programming and data manipulation, although full training will be provided throughout the studentship to develop relevant skills. Depending on the interests of the candidate, opportunities to participate in fieldwork may be possible to enhance the process-based understanding of microwave scattering in snow. The is a collaborative project externally co-supervised by Dr Chris Derksen (Environment and Climate Change Canada / University of Waterloo, Canada) and Dr Mel Sandells (CORES Science and Engineering Ltd, UK).
Application deadline: 16 February 2018
Start date: 1 October 2018
Further details and a link to the online application: https://www.
Any questions, please email:
Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK
Twitter: @snowecology
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Two exciting PhD opportunities with the British Antarctic Survey
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Thursday, December 7, 2017
South Georgia Association Fund
Please find attached information regarding the South Georgia Association fund, and application form. Closing dates for applications are 1 April and 1 October each year.
"The Association has an Initiative Fund. Applications are welcomed from all who have an interest in South Georgia and who wish to initiate or support projects that will stimulate awareness of, and interest in, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. Grants will be awarded up to a maximum of £500 and successful applicants would be expected to become members of the Association. Potential applicants should contact Dr W Block, British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET ( to discuss their proposals. Closing dates for applications are 1 April and 1 October."
Kind regards,
Kyle Mayers
UK Polar Network Vice-President
Friday, November 24, 2017
Arctic PhD opportunities
Dear All,
Please see the announcement below from Lorna Street (cc'ed) for an exciting PhD opportunity. If you have any questions, please contact Lorna directly.
Best wishes,
We are pleased to announce the following exciting opportunities for fully funded PhD studentships in Arctic terrestrial biogeochemistry and permafrost modelling, based at the UK NERC Edinburgh Earth and Environment Doctoral Training Partnership at the University of Edinburgh.
Project details:
The physics of permafrost soils: modelling thaw and the carbon cycle.
-- -- Dr Sian Henley NERC Independent Research Fellow School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
PhDs studying the Antarctic atmosphere
If you’re looking for a PhD studying the Antarctic atmosphere, then I would like to draw your attention to 2 exciting PhD projects that are being offered through the NERC GW4+ DTP:
‘Antarctic atmospheric waves and tides and their impact on global circulation’ led by Dr Tracy Moffat-Griffin at British Antarctic Survey.
‘Atmospheric Waves from Antarctic Mountains, Islands and Oceans from the Surface to the Edge of Space’ led by Prof Nick Mitchell at the University of Bath.
Full details of these project s can be found at the above links, feel free to contact the lead supervisors if you want to know more about the projects. Deadline is January 7th 2018.
Many thanks,
Tracy & Nick
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Thursday, November 23, 2017
Fwd: Arctic-related PhD project at Newcastle and Durham
An exciting Arctic PhD opportunity. See below for details and, if you have any questions, please contact Geoff directly.
Best wishes,
Dr Sian Henley
NERC Independent Research Fellow
School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
MEASO2018 Abstracts due 30 November 2017
See below for an exciting conference and policy forum on Southern Ocean marine ecosystems.
Best wishes,
-- Dr Sian Henley NERC Independent Research Fellow School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
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Saturday, November 18, 2017
Systematics Research Fund (SRF) 2018
Typical activities supported include contributions to fieldwork expenditure, the purchase of scientific equipment or expertise (e.g. buying time on analytical equipment), specimen preparation (including the cost of temporary technical assistance), and contributions to publication costs. However, please note that it is unable to fund the cost of article publication charges. Projects of a more general or educational nature will also be considered, provided that they include a strong systematics component. Typical activities not supported include attendance at scientific meetings and contributions to student maintenance or tuition fees. The fund does not provide payments for Bench Fees. Projects already substantially funded by other bodies may be disadvantaged.
Applications of all nationalities are welcome but applicants must be a current member of the Systematics Association or Linnean Society of London.
Successful projects are selected by a panel of systematists who represent a wide range of conceptual interests and taxonomic groups. Generally, applications in the range of £500-£1,000 are preferred, the value of any single award will not exceed £1500.
Deadline 15 February 2018
More information on SRF on the Systematics Association webpage:
Questions about the application procedure can also be sent to the SRF Administrator (<>)
Dr. Anne D. Jungblut
Grants & Awards Secretary for SRF
The Systematics Association
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Going to Antarctica this year? We need you!
We have had a great response to our annual Antarctica flags project from schools this year, but lots more flags means we need more people to take them! If you or any of your colleagues would be willing to take and photo some A4 flags with you to Antarctica this season please let me know. It's a small amount of effort on your part and should make lots of kids very excited about Antarctic science :) Please share within your departments if relevant. The flyer for schools is attached if you're unfamiliar with the project.
Monday, October 30, 2017
YSF - Young Systematists' Forum 1 December, NHM London
Friday, 1 December 2017, 9:30 am
Venue: Flett Lecture Theatre,
Natural History Museum, London, UK
Abstract deadline: Friday 3 November 2017
The annual Young Systematists' Forum represents an exciting setting for Masters, PhD and young postdoctoral researchers to present their data, often for the first time, to a scientific audience interested in taxonomy, systematics and phylogenetics. This well-established event provides an important opportunity for budding systematists to discuss their research in front of their peers within a supportive environment. Supervisors and other established systematists are also encouraged to attend.
Prizes will be awarded for the most promising oral and poster presentation as judged by a small panel on the day.
Registration is FREE.
Send applications by e-mail to<> , supplying your name, contact address and stating whether or not you wish to give an oral or poster presentation. Please also tell us your academic stage – e.g., Masters, PhD or postdoc. Space will be allocated subject to availability and for a balanced programme of animal, plant, algal, microbial, molecular and other research. Non-presenting attendees are also very welcome - please register as above.
Again the YSF will be held the day after the Molluscan Forum ( also at the Natural History Museum. This has been arranged so both meetings can be attended, although if attending both you will have to register for both meetings separately.
Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail in English and in Word format no later than Friday 3 November 2017. The body text should not exceed 150 words in length. Title, authors, and their professional affiliations should be included with the abstracts. If the presentation is co-authored, the actual speaker (oral) or presenter (poster) must be clearly indicated in BOLD text.
If you have presented a talk at the YSF before, we ask that you submit only for a poster presentation, as speaker slots are limited and we want to give as many people a chance as possible. Similarly, if you are presenting at both the YSF and MF, we ask that you not apply for speaking slots in both (or let us know so we can assess).
All registered attendants will receive further information about the meeting, including abstracts, by e-mail one week in advance. This information will also be displayed on the Systematics Association website (
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Introduction to Metabolomics for the Environmental Scientist
We have a new course scheduling which you may be interested in: this course is FREE for NERC funded PhD students, PDRA's, Fellows and PI/CO-I's.
Introduction to Metabolomics for the Environmental Scientist
30-31 January 2018

This 2-day NERC-funded Advanced Training Short Course will provide environmental scientists with an overview of the metabolomics pipeline. The course is intended for environmental scientist with little or no previous experience of metabolomics and who are interested to discover how this relatively new and powerful approach could be integrated into their research. Experts working in the NERC Metabolomics facility-NBAF-Birmingham will teach the course.
Topics covered:
Registration for NERC funded scientists: While this course is open to all researchers with an interest in the environmental sciences, it is a NERC-funded Advanced Training Short Course and hence priority will be given to NERC funded scientists; this includes NERC PhD students (highest priority), NERC PDRA's and Fellows (next highest priority) and principal and co-investigators who currently hold NERC funding. For these prioritised applicants, bursaries are available to cover the full cost of the course and one night of accommodation (which we will book for you) and up to £100 towards travel costs (which you should book).
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch at
All the best,
David Epps
Research Support Administrator
University of Birmingham
Friday, October 20, 2017
IASC 2018 Fellowship applications open
Applications for 2018 ISAC Fellows are now open!
The scheme allow 5 early career scientists to partner with each of the 5 IASC working groups. You get the chance to actively participate in working group meetings and gain experience of organising leading-edge scientific activities at a circumarctic and international level. In return you will receive travel support to attend POLAR2018 and the ASSW meeting in 2019 in Arkhangelsk.
For full details here.
Application deadline is 20 November 13:00 GMT.
Good luck!
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Antarctica Day Flag Project
Friday, October 6, 2017
School visit opportunity :)
Anyone interested in in doing a school visit in November in Nottingham? Looks like it would be a lot of fun and great experience. Sadly I'm away at sea but get in touch with me or directly back to the school (if you could cc me so I know we have it covered), that'd be fab. See their email below.
Really great chance to get engaged with kids and showcase some polar /met/ocean science
Dr Anna Belcher
Ecological Biogeochemist
British Antarctic Survey
Sent: 05 October 2017 15:00:24
To: Belcher, Anna C.
Subject: FW: RMetS Ambassador Visit at Portland Spencer Academy
Hello Anna,
I have just received this email from Sylvia Knight from the RMetSoc, asking about a polar and weather/climate related school visit in Nottingham.
I can personally not commit to this at the moment. Maybe you'd be happy to go? Or you could send it around UKPN to see if anyone would be interested?
From: Sylvia Knight []
Sent: 05 October 2017 13:21
Subject: FW: RMetS Ambassador Visit at Portland Spencer Academy
Hello Amelie,
I was wondering whether you or any of the other BAS STEM ambassadors would consider travelling this far to a school?
With thanks
From: Helen O'Grady
Subject: RMetS Ambassador Visit at Portland Spencer Academy
My name is Helen O'Grady and I am a teacher at Portland Spencer Academy in Bilborough, Nottingham.
Last year we were visited by Simon Edwards who delivered some fantastic workshops for our children around weather and the environment.
I was wondering/hoping if we would be able to arrange the same this year?
This year I am working in Key Stage 1- Year 2- where we have 2 classes of 30 pupils aged 6/7.
Our learning next term is around the book 'The Polar Express' and we are hoping to use this to exlore learnign around the arctic/antarctic, global warming and weather in general.
If you are able to offer anything related that would be brilliant- it was a really great experience last time.
Ideally this would be in the first couple of weeks of November, however I appreciate that is quite short notice and so if you are able to offer any dates before Christmas that would be great.
Thank you in advance,
Helen O'Grady
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Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Re: Event - research and cooperation in the Russian Arctic - 5 December
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Fwd: British Antarctic Survey - Cambridge Conservation Initiative workshop on "Science-Policy Challenges in Polar Conservation and Management"
Title: Integrating climate science into ecosystem-based management
Time/date: 9 November 2017 from 14:00-16:30
Location: British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK
Panel members will include:
- Ms Jane Rumble (Polar Regions Dept, FCO) (panel chair)
- Mr Henry Burgess (NERC Arctic Office)
- Dr Gemma Harper (Defra)
- Dr Val Kapos (UNEP-WCMC)
- Professor John Turner (British Antarctic Survey)
More info:
Registration is required, but it is free!
Many thanks,
Young Tun Jan (TJ)
PhD Candidate
Scott Polar Research Institute
Department of Geography
University of Cambridge
4 Lensfield Road
Cambridge, CB2 1ER
Phone: +44 (0)1223 336574
Sunday, September 24, 2017
"Who Rules the Arctic?" and "Arctic Borders"
microbial diversity and biogeography at POLAR, Davos 2018
If you are working in microbial diversity and biogeography the session "From boots to bytes: 'omics' tools for microbial diversity and biogeography" could be of interest for you.
The session invites comparative studies using high-throughput techniques to study microbial diversity and biogeographic patterns across poles (Arctic, Antarctic and mountain regions). This may also include studies on natural and anthropogenic dispersal pathway, ecological niches as well as present and future climatic-driven habitat and diversity changes.
See you maybe there!
Dr. Anne D. Jungblut
Research Scientist
Life Sciences Department
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7942 5285
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Re: SCAR conference - DAVOS 2018 - Abstract deadline 1st November
As Anna wrote, please consider submitting your abstracts to POLAR2018 - it's a once in a decade opportunity where research from both poles is presented.
And, remember, if you want to avoid paying the abstract fee, fill out this form before the end of the weekend!
Just to let the polar gang know about the SCAR conference POLAR2018 being hosted in Davos, Switzerland in June 2018. Abstract deadline in November 1st, and there's a great bunch of polar related sessions. Obviously no bias from me, but this one that I was involved in organising is clearly awesome ;
Session Title
Phytoplankton, productivity and carbon export dynamics
Session Description
The biological fixation of carbon and its export to the deep in the Polar Regions strongly influence the global carbon cycle and the drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Within the Polar Regions, the Southern Ocean accounts for 40% of uptake of anthropogenic CO2 uptake, but itsproductivity is impacted by the limitation of the trace metal iron. Complex biological interactions take place in response to low iron (Fe) bioavaiability, modulating biodiversity and Fe chemistry. Next to primary productivity, the export of carbon from the surface to the deep ocean (biological carbon pump) regulates atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The degree to which this carbon is exported to the oceaninterior is strongly regulated by the interaction of many different processes including: mineral ballast effects, biogeochemical factors, and ecosystem structure. Zooplankton behavior may channel this carbon through a number of routes (vertical migration, faecal pellet production). In the Polar Regions,determination of whether the ocean is a sink or source of CO2 is strongly dependent on the dynamics of particulate organic and inorganic carbon export. This session aims to:1-Explores the multiple impacts that iron limitation impose on phytoplankton productivity, ecosystem functioning and biogeochemistry across the Southern Ocean.2-Disentangle the main drivers controlling the magnitude and transfer efficiency of carbon to the mesopelagic and deep ocean in both Polar Regions.
So submit : )
Dr Anna Belcher
Ecological BiogeochemistBritish Antarctic Survey
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postdoc at UEA
Please see below for an exciting postdoc opportunity at the University of East Anglia (UEA). For further information, please see the link and contact Elena or Carol direct.
Best wishes,
-- Dr Sian Henley NERC Independent Research Fellow School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
From: On Behalf Of E. Elena Garcia-Martin (ENV)
Sent: 20 September 2017 13:54
Subject: [Coas.all] PostDoc Offer
Dear all,
Carol Robinson and I are looking to recruit a PDRA for the NERC project “Remineralisation of organic carbon by marine bacterioplankton (REMAIN) – reducing the known unknown” to determine respiration rates of laboratory cultures of phytoplankton, bacterioplankton and zooplankton and natural plankton communities in the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
The project involves substantial collaboration with national and international partners, including research visits to laboratories in Germany and Spain and a 6 week open ocean field campaign.
Look for more information and how to apply in the following link:
Please forward this information to potentially interested applicants.
Best wishes,
Dr. E. Elena Garcia Martin
School of Environmental Science
University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR4 7TJ
Tel: 0044 (0) 1603 593162
UK Top 15 (Times/Sunday Times Good University Guide 2017 and Complete University Guide 2018)
World Top 200 (Times Higher Education World Rankings 2017)
Top 5 for student satisfaction (National Student Survey, 2005-2016)
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