Dear All,
See below for an exciting conference and policy forum on Southern Ocean marine ecosystems.
Best wishes,
-- Dr Sian Henley NERC Independent Research Fellow School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
ABSTRACT REMINDER! DUE 30th NOVEMBER MARINE ECOSYSTEM ASSESSMENT FOR THE SOUTHERN OCEAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE | 9-13 APRIL 2018 | HOBART, AUSTRALIA Dear colleagues, Less than two weeks left to submit abstracts for the MEASO International Conference and Policy Forum! Abstracts are due on 30 November 2017 and are invited on any of the four main conference themes: (select the links to take you to the web site for more details on each theme) 1. Assessments of status and trends in habitats, species and ecosystems, and the causes of change 2. Responses of species to changing habitats, including ocean acidification, sea ice and temperature 3. Modelling and analytical methods to assess status and trends 4. Implementation of observing systems to estimate dynamics and change You can also submit abstracts for consideration in the one-day Policy Forum on "Delivering science into policy: needs, expectations and delivery". For registration and abstract submissions, please visit the conference website at The conference is co-hosted by the Australian Antarctic Division and the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre. We look forward to seeing you in Hobart! From the MEASO2018 Local Organising Committee  | |

Australian Antarctic Division - Commonwealth of Australia
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