Thursday, October 27, 2016

PhD opportunity: Antarctic ice shelf collapse

Hi UKPN folks - 

I'm excited to let you know about a PhD opportunity here at the University of Bristol to study Antarctic ice shelf stability and collapse from modelling and observation. The PhD project benefits from a supervisor collaboration between me here at the University of Bristol, Hilmar Gudmundsson at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), and Steven Palmer at the University of Exeter. Along with the large, active research community here at the Bristol Glaciology Centre, the studentship is also part of the NERC GW4+ doctoral training program, which provides excellent interdisciplinary training and workshops and a postgraduate network. The student will be primarily based at the University of Bristol, with flexible internship time at BAS. As a final bonus, Bristol is a great city to live in!

The links below have more details. Please get in touch with any questions.

If you are looking for a PhD opportunity, I look forward to getting your application!
If you already have a PhD, please pass on this opportunity to the great undergraduate and Masters students you know!

Thanks so much,
Twila Moon

General information for applying:

Eligibility: Open to all UK and EU students! (Students from EEA countries may also be eligible).

Deadline for application: 6 January 2017.

Dr. Twila Moon
Lecturer (~Asst. Prof.) in Cryospheric Sciences
Bristol Glaciology Centre
School of Geographical Sciences
University of Bristol