Dear UKPN,
Please see below for 3 opportunities to attend atmospheric training courses hosted by NCAS.
Bookings are now open for three NCAS training courses. Full details about each course can be found on the website or please contact with any questions.
Introduction for Atmospheric Science January 16-20 2017
This course is designed to introduce key concepts in atmospheric science to first and second year PhD science students. The syllabus introduces key topics in weather, composition and climate science.
Introduction to Atmospheric Science will allow students to broaden their understanding of atmospheric process, interactions and develop a strong base to apply to their research.
*Attendance on the Introduction to Atmospheric Science Course is a pre-requisite for attendance on the Atmospheric Measurement Summer School.
Atmospheric Measurement Summer School: May 8-19 2017
This 12 day practical course is aimed at first and second year PhD students and Early Career Researchers who are new to atmospheric field work.
The course is delivered by expert atmospheric scientists from across the UK and is based around an intensive field measurement programme involving activities such as:
- Practical weather forecasting using synoptic charts and other data.
- Profiling the atmosphere using radiosondes and surface measurements on a mountain.
- Data logging and working with field instruments
- Investigation of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols.
Introduction to Scientific Computing February 27-March 3 2017
The Introduction to Scientific Computing course is designed to provide NERC PhD students and early career researchers with essential skills for working with scientific data and automating tasks. It teaches the basics of using UNIX and Python.