Saturday, October 29, 2016

APECS 10th Anniversary Logo Contest

apecs logo webWe are celebrating ***APECS 10th anniversary*** in 2017!

In order to spread the good news and to emphasize the achievements of our organization, we would like to use a special APECS anniversary logo during the coming months. We would like to invite all members to design and create an APECS logo which features the 10th anniversary in 2017!

Send us a logo in .jpg, .tif or .bmp-format until 14 November 2016 to! The APECS Executive Committee will vote for the best logo, which will be used on APECS materials and the website over the next year. The winner will also receive a 200 Euro travel award to a conference of their choice within the next year.

The APECS logo in various formats is available on the APECS website. The orange colour is (RGB 241, 106, 34) and the Blue is (RGB 0, 77, 140), and the font used for the text is Optima Bold.

For questions, please contact

Friday, October 28, 2016

Exciting course on marine sustainability in Norway!

Dear UKPN,

This sounds like an awesome opportunity for any PhD student with a little funding:
Lectures and fieldwork on marine sustainability up in northern Norway. Always worth asking if they have bursaries too

Anna :)

Anna Belcher
PhD Student
National Oceanography Centre, Southampton

Thursday, October 27, 2016

E&O Opportunity: Arctic Circle Making in Transit 2016

Dear UKPN,

This year, UKPN will be taking part in the Making in Transit Seminar Series at The Cube in Shoreditch, London (hipster!). This is a really cool project that investigates issues relating to the Arctic, the Anthropocene and creativity, within the context of 'making' or creating something in response to the environment. Check out the project here:

We are specifically looking for a couple early career researchers who want to present their research on the 8th December for the series! Please let me know if you are interested in participating. 

Specifically, the theme of the night will be centred around physical changes in the Arctic (i.e. ice shelves, sheets, caps, polar temperature patterns, oceanography, etc). If you are interested in presenting your latest research, this would be a great place to do it! If you're not a polar scientist but would still like to participate in the project, please do let me know as well--we have another event with Making In Transit in March that you can be involved in! 

All costs (transit, subsistence, etc) are covered under the project. 

If you haven't done much Education and Outreach before, UKPN has a wide range of resources to help you get started, and one of our committee can work with you to prepare your public presentation. 

Hope to hear back from a few of you!



TJ Young
PhD Student, University of Cambridge
Vice-President, UK Polar Network

Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731

We're social! 

PhD opportunity: Antarctic ice shelf collapse

Hi UKPN folks - 

I'm excited to let you know about a PhD opportunity here at the University of Bristol to study Antarctic ice shelf stability and collapse from modelling and observation. The PhD project benefits from a supervisor collaboration between me here at the University of Bristol, Hilmar Gudmundsson at the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), and Steven Palmer at the University of Exeter. Along with the large, active research community here at the Bristol Glaciology Centre, the studentship is also part of the NERC GW4+ doctoral training program, which provides excellent interdisciplinary training and workshops and a postgraduate network. The student will be primarily based at the University of Bristol, with flexible internship time at BAS. As a final bonus, Bristol is a great city to live in!

The links below have more details. Please get in touch with any questions.

If you are looking for a PhD opportunity, I look forward to getting your application!
If you already have a PhD, please pass on this opportunity to the great undergraduate and Masters students you know!

Thanks so much,
Twila Moon

General information for applying:

Eligibility: Open to all UK and EU students! (Students from EEA countries may also be eligible).

Deadline for application: 6 January 2017.

Dr. Twila Moon
Lecturer (~Asst. Prof.) in Cryospheric Sciences
Bristol Glaciology Centre
School of Geographical Sciences
University of Bristol

School visit Dunbar

Dear UKPN,


We have had a request for a school visit for an upper primary school in Dunbar, East Lothian. The teacher Nicola Murray is teaching her p5 class about the Ice Age in Britain where the children will learn about glaciers, ice sheets and she would like someone to be able to talk to her students about what life is like in the polar regions.


If anyone would like to volunteer for this please let me know and I will put you in touch with the school. As always, we offer help and support for any outreach activities and can provide resources such as slides and worksheets to give to the school kids.


Many thanks




Michelle McCrystall

PhD Student

British Antarctic Survey and University of Cambridge



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PhD studentships at Stockholm University

Hi everyone,

The Meteorological Institute at Stockholm University is inviting applications for PhD studentships.
Projects are on offer in the fields of oceanography, atmospheric physics and atmospheric chemistry.
More information and contact details for further information here:

The closing date is 21st November 2016.

Kind regards,
Kyle Mayers

Monday, October 24, 2016

Young Systematists' Forum 25 November 2016 NHM London


Friday, 25 November 2016, 9:30 am
Venue: Flett Lecture Theatre,
Natural History Museum, London, UK

The annual Young Systematists' Forum represents an exciting setting for Masters, PhD and young postdoctoral researchers to present their data, often for the first time, to a scientific audience interested in taxonomy, systematics and phylogenetics. This well-established event provides an important opportunity for budding systematists to discuss their research in front of their peers within a supportive environment. Supervisors and other established systematists are also encouraged to attend.

Prizes will be awarded for the most promising oral and poster presentation as judged by a small panel on the day.

Registration is FREE.
Send applications by e-mail to (<>), supplying your name, academic or contact address, stage of your career (MSc student, PhD student, postdoc) and stating whether or not you wish to give an oral or poster presentation. Space will be allocated subject to availability and for a balanced programme of animal, plant, algal, microbial, molecular and other research. Non-presenting attendees are also very welcome - please register as above.

Again the YSF will be held the day after the Molluscan Forum ( also at the Natural History Museum. This has been arranged so both meetings can be attended, although you need to register for each meeting separately.

Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail in English no later than Friday 28 October 2016. The body text should not exceed 150 words in length. If the presentation is co-authored, the actual speaker (oral) or presenter (poster) must be clearly indicated in BOLD text.

All registered attendants will receive further information about the meeting, including abstracts, by e-mail one week in advance. This information will also be displayed on the Systematics Association website (<>).

Dr. Anne D. Jungblut
Research Scientist
Life Sciences Department
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7942 5285

GW4+ DTP Communicate with Confidence course - 15-17 November, Cardiff

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for a communications course run by the NERC DTP Hub.



Do you need to develop your approach to communication within the context of academia and industry?  Discover practical techniques for achieving personal impact in speaking compellingly about what you do?  Deepen how you interact constructively with others?
We are offering a three-day Communicate with Confidence course in Cardiff on 15-17 November split into enhancing confidence whilst delivering material at conferences, how to achieve success when preparing and producing video presentations and to develop skills in talking and listening to diverse audiences.
The cost of the course is £400 which covers all training, lunch and refreshments throughout the day but not travel and accommodation.  Further details of the course can be found at:
Further details of the course can be found at:
If you are interested in participating in this course, please contact and we will provide you with registration and booking details by Friday 28th October.  Please note that if you are not a DTP student then you will be unable to register using the links in the website.

Best Regards

The DTP Hub Team

Dr Andrew Rodrigues
NERC GW4+ DTP Manager
School of Earth Sciences
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ
Tel: 0117 954 5644

Ms Sara Tonge
NERC GW4+ DTP Administrator
School of Earth Sciences
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ
Tel: 0117 331 5297

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Antarctic personnel well being surveys

Hi all,
We have been contacted by two different groups studying the well being of researchers working in Antarctica.
One survey is for anyone who has been to Antarctica (first paragraph and link), the other is for those who have worked there specifically during the polar night (Austral winter) (second paragraph and link). Please find information and links to the surveys below.

Have you worked in Antarctica? This is your opportunity you to have a voice, share your story of your time in the Antarctic and help in the development of supports for future Antarctic personnel working in Antarctica. Dr. Kimberley Norris and student researcher Clare Hawkes from the University of Tasmania Australia are investigating the experience of Antarctic employment, as told by past Antarctic Personnel. The aim of this study is to better understand how Antarctic employment impacts personnel and how best to study it. Insight gained through this study may also assist in the development of a scale specifically measuring wellbeing in Antarctic personnel during employment. Participation in the study involves completing a survey consisting of short answer and rating-based questions, which will take approximately 30 minutes of your time to complete. If you are interested in participating, please follow the link below for further information and access to the survey. Thank you in advance for your time.

Those former winter-overs would be ideal participants for this study. Thus, we would like to know whether it would be possible for you to forward the link for our survey to your members. It is an online questionnaire of approximately 20 minutes. Of course, participation in the study is entirely voluntary and participants will not be asked to disclose their name, guaranteeing their anonymity.
This study aims to investigate the psychological factors related to adjustment to Antarctic stations. Specifically, we are interested in predicting one's social fitness to the station, job satisfaction, job performance, mood, sleep quality and cognitive performance.
We received this advertisement for a survey targeting anyone who has wintered-over in Antarctica. This study comes from a PhD student at Lincoln University (New Zealand). If you are interested, click on the link below to know more about it and to take part in it:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact: Cyril Jaksic (

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Snow & Atmospheric Chemistry PhD project at British Antarctic Survey starting in Oct 2017

Hi all - 

Through the EnvEast DTP there is a PhD project being offered by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) starting in October 2017 that may be of interest:

This project is open to applications from UK students (full stipend), and other EU students (fees-only stipend).  Full details can be found here.

If you are interested in the project above please feel free to contact the BAS lead supervisor (M.M. Frey for more information. The application deadline is 6th January 2017.
Many thanks,

Markus M. Frey, PhD
British Antarctic Survey
High Cross - Madingley Road
CB3 0ET Cambridge, UK

Skype: citlaltepetl2006 
phone: +44 1223 221268

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2 Antarctic atmosphere PhD projects starting October 2017



Through the NERC GW4+ DTP there are two PhD projects being offered by British Antarctic Survey and University of Bath starting in October 2017 that may be of interest:


At British Antarctic Survey:

Antarctic atmospheric waves and tides and their impact on global circulation ( )


At University of Bath:  

Atmospheric Waves from Antarctic Mountains, Islands and Oceans to the Edge of Space ( )


These projects are open to applications from UK and other EU students (full details can be found here: ).


If you are interested in the projects above please feel free to contact the lead supervisor for more information.  The application deadline is 6th January 2017.


Many thanks,



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School Visit - Bury St Edmunds

Dear UKPN,


We have had a request for a school visit in October/ or early November on Mon, Tues or Friday at Sexton Manor Primary, Bury St Edmunds for Year 2 who are studying the Antarctic.

If anyone would like to volunteer, please let me know as soon as possible and I will put you in touch with the school. We offer advice and support for all outreach activities and have examples of talks and workshop ideas if you need them.




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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

GW4+ DTP Innovation & Entrepreneurship - 7-11 November, University of Bristol

Dear UKPN PhD students, 

If you're interested in entrepreneurship and/or industry following your PhD, the below announcement may be of interest.



If you are thinking about a career in industry or starting your own business then we are providing a course in innovation and entrepreneurship to be held on the 7-11 November 2016 – University of Bristol. The course will aim to impart key skills in commercialisation to the attendees. There are a variety of modules addressing Innovation, Project Management, Finance, Market Research, and overall project feasibility.  Once provided with these skills, students are encouraged to enter the EnvironmentYES business plan competition with the chance of winning a cash prize and a trip to Texas to pitch your idea at the Rice business plan competition.  We won the competition last year and it would be great to take the title again this year.  You can watch the winning team's pitch on or website for an idea of what this might involve : .  
The cost of the course to non-DTP students is £400 which covers all training, lunch and refreshments throughout the day but not travel and accommodation.  
If you are interested in participating in this course, please contact and we will provide you with booking details.  Please do not attempt to register via the website.  

Best Regards
The DTP Hub Team

Dr Andrew Rodrigues
NERC GW4+ DTP Manager
School of Earth Sciences
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ

Tel: 0117 954 5644


Ms Sara Tonge
NERC GW4+ DTP Administrator
School of Earth Sciences
Wills Memorial Building
Queen's Road
Bristol BS8 1RJ

Tel: 0117 331 5297

Friday, October 7, 2016

NERC Arctic research facility consultation

Dear all,

Thanks to those who have responded to the consultation document.
If you wish to have your say we are taking responses to the attached document until Monday 10th October!

UKPN president

Thursday, October 6, 2016

NCAS Training & Opportunities

Dear UKPN,

Please see below for 3 opportunities to attend atmospheric training courses hosted by NCAS.



Bookings are now open for three NCAS training courses.  Full details about each course can be found on the website or please contact with any questions.
Introduction for Atmospheric Science January 16-20 2017
This course is designed to introduce key concepts in atmospheric science to first and second year PhD science students. The syllabus introduces key topics in weather, composition and climate science.
Introduction to Atmospheric Science will allow students to broaden their understanding of atmospheric process, interactions and develop a strong base to apply to their research.
*Attendance on the Introduction to Atmospheric Science Course is a pre-requisite for attendance on the Atmospheric Measurement Summer School. 
Atmospheric Measurement Summer School: May 8-19 2017
This 12 day practical course is aimed at first and second year PhD students and Early Career Researchers who are new to atmospheric field work.
The course is delivered by expert atmospheric scientists from across the UK and is based around an intensive field measurement programme involving activities such as:
  • Practical weather forecasting using synoptic charts and other data.
  • Profiling the atmosphere using radiosondes and surface measurements on a mountain.
  • Data logging and working with field instruments
  • Investigation of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols. 

Introduction to Scientific Computing February 27-March 3 2017
The Introduction to Scientific Computing course is designed to provide NERC PhD students and early career researchers with essential skills for working with scientific data and automating tasks.  It teaches the basics of using UNIX and Python.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

funded phd's and masters in NZ

Recently heard about this which might be of interest for those looking for masters or phd, not sure if ere are polar specific themes but fully funded and in NZ :)

Anna :)