Sunday, September 4, 2016

UKPN AGM- 7th September

Hi all,

It's that time of year again, the UKPN AGM and time to elect our new committee! The AGM will be held in Liverpool during the Challenger Society conference at 5:30pm on Weds 7th Sept and will take place at the 'Informal space at the end of the Atrium'. 

However, if you're not going to Challenger don't worry as we will be live streaming the AGM- you lucky people at the IGSBB meeting can watch in Building 67, room E2011 and everyone else can participate from the comfort of your own homes by going to (you may have to download a small app to be able to join).

If you would like to nominate yourself for a committee position (and let's face it, who wouldn't) then please either:
-email me with your choice of position and a very quick line or two about yourself by midday on the 7th;
-nominate yourself in person at the AGM.

Below is a description of all of the positions, feel free to email me with any questions. I would strongly recommend signing up, you get involved in a lot of things that are great for the CV as well and getting to meet lots of awesome other polar early career researchers. If you can't make the AGM don't worry you can definitely still nominate yourself. 

Hopefully see many of you on Wednesday!


The UKPN Committee consists of volunteers based across the UK. Members organise workshop and networking events in addition to keeping members up to date with funding and job opportunities via the mailing list and website. Committee members have the opportunity to represent the UKPN at national and international meetings, which has led to some having had tea with Princess Anne.

Traditionally the majority of the committee are PhD students, but Post-docs, Masters Students, and non-academics are always very welcome.

Below you can find a list of the positions and a short description of the roles and responsibilities available for 2016/17. The Committee will be elected at our annual general meeting on 7th September 2016 at 5.30pm.

·       President/s

o   Chair UKPN committee meetings, attend UK Arctic & Antarctic Partnership Meetings on behalf of the UKPN, usually point of contact for external organisations. Nominated from within current committee.

·       Vice-president/s

o   President/s from previous year, to serve as an advisory role for UKPN and assist when necessary.

·       Secretaries

o   Schedule meetings and take notes for the minutes and actions during committee meetings. Production of the bi-annual UKPN newsletter.

·       Treasurers

o   Keep a track of UKPN finances held by the British Antarctic Survey, deal with financial claims and money acquired from funding sources and UKPN merchandise.

·       Education & Outreach (Head)

o   Oversee the education & outreach activities for the UKPN, this includes planned events (see below) as well as ad-hoc events which occur throughout the year.

·       Education & Outreach (School visits)

o   As part of a FCO/BAT grant we have committed to 10 school visits during 2016/17. This role will be to identify schools, plan activities to be carried out and co-ordinate volunteers.

·       Education & Outreach (Festival)

o   As part of an FCO/BAT grant we have committed to attending 1 large science festival during 2016/17. This role will be to organise this large outreach activity.

·       Education & Outreach (Antarctic Flags)

o   A highly successful outreach activity where schools design flags for the Antarctic continent which are then sent south to researchers. This role will be to co-ordinate and deliver this project.

·       Social media

o   Manage our social media communications as well as the UKPN blog. We communicate through a large variety of channels, including: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

·       Members-at-large

o   Members who act as a support role for the UKPN committee.

Sammie Buzzard
PhD Student- Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling
UKPN Co-President