See below for a RGS-IBG run workshop.

© Land Rover Bursary Recipients 2014 , Trail by Fire: Aaron Curtis
BS 8848 Compliance workshop
Designed for those looking to use British Standard 8848: a specification for visits, fieldwork, expeditions and adventurous activities, to benchmark existing safety management systems. This workshop is aimed at organisers of overseas activities including adventure travel companies, charity challenges, gap year experiences, schools expeditions, university field work, and field research expeditions.
Built on existing UK guidance and through extensive consultation, BS 8848 is nationally recognised standard allowing organisers to benchmark and demonstrate current good practice in safety management procedures. All those who understand BS 8848 will be better informed about the risks and safety management procedures that good practice indicates should be in place before any agreement to take part is distributed and signed.
Next Dates: Thursday 22 September / Friday 17 March 2017
Venue: Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), 1 Kensington Gore, London
Cost: RGS-IBG members £171 / non-members £190 (incl. VAT)
Find out more:
To Book: Book online, or contact Geography Outdoors via email or telephone on 020 7591 3030