Hi UKPN, please see below for a really cool workshop (note really close deadline).
TJ Young
PhD Student, University of Cambridge
President, UK Polar Network
Email: tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ukpolarnetwork
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UKPolarNetwork
NCEO and the Field Spectroscopy Facility are pleased to announce a NERC-funded Advanced Short Training Course (ATSC) on Field Spectroscopy, Airborne Optical Imaging and Process Modelling for Environmental Science, 13-20June, Albacete, Spain.
The aim of this NERC-funded ATSC is to provide PhD students and early career researchers (ECRs) with a unique opportunity to gain both theoretical and practical 'hands-on' experience in hyperspectral Earth Observation and data acquisition, field validation, processing and analysis. Lectures and tutorials will be delivered in Albacete, southern Spain and field work will be conducted at Las Tiesas Experimental Farm, Barrax, near Albacete. Las Tiesas is a well-established and characterised agricultural research facility and one where weather conditions in June are expected to be suitable for passive optical remote sensing relying on stable solar illumination.
Full details about the course can be found: http://www.nceo.ac.uk/meeting_detail.php?id=46
This course is for PhD students and ECRs registered with a UK academic institution. Priority will be given to NERC funded CASE or Doctoral Training Partnership students, although other UK based PhD students and ECRs may apply. Basic knowledge of the python programming language is required.
To apply: please email jan.fillingham@nceo.ac.uk, before 28 April 2015, confirming explicitly that you meet the following criteria:
- you are a UK-registered PhD student or ECR working in a sector aligned to NERC's science remit (seehttp://www.nerc.ac.uk/research/portfolio/remit/)
- you have basic python programming skills;
- your institute will provide you with standard field work and travel insurance; and
- you are able to attend the training course in Spain from 13-20 June 2015.
If you meet these criteria you will then be invited to complete an online application.
Best wishes
Jan Fillingham
Training and Communications Manager
National Centre for Earth Observation
The University of Reading, Room 1U13 Meteorology, 58 Earley Gate, Reading RG6 6BB, UK
Tel: +44 (0)118 378 6728 Mobile: 07872 416466 http://www.nceo.ac.uk
NCEO and the Field Spectroscopy Facility are pleased to announce a NERC-funded Advanced Short Training Course (ATSC) on Field Spectroscopy, Airborne Optical Imaging and Process Modelling for Environmental Science, 13-20June, Albacete, Spain.
The aim of this NERC-funded ATSC is to provide PhD students and early career researchers (ECRs) with a unique opportunity to gain both theoretical and practical 'hands-on' experience in hyperspectral Earth Observation and data acquisition, field validation, processing and analysis. Lectures and tutorials will be delivered in Albacete, southern Spain and field work will be conducted at Las Tiesas Experimental Farm, Barrax, near Albacete. Las Tiesas is a well-established and characterised agricultural research facility and one where weather conditions in June are expected to be suitable for passive optical remote sensing relying on stable solar illumination.
Full details about the course can be found: http://www.nceo.ac.uk/meeting_detail.php?id=46
This course is for PhD students and ECRs registered with a UK academic institution. Priority will be given to NERC funded CASE or Doctoral Training Partnership students, although other UK based PhD students and ECRs may apply. Basic knowledge of the python programming language is required.
To apply: please email jan.fillingham@nceo.ac.uk, before 28 April 2015, confirming explicitly that you meet the following criteria:
- you are a UK-registered PhD student or ECR working in a sector aligned to NERC's science remit (seehttp://www.nerc.ac.uk/research/portfolio/remit/)
- you have basic python programming skills;
- your institute will provide you with standard field work and travel insurance; and
- you are able to attend the training course in Spain from 13-20 June 2015.
If you meet these criteria you will then be invited to complete an online application.
Best wishes
Jan Fillingham
Training and Communications Manager
National Centre for Earth Observation
The University of Reading, Room 1U13 Meteorology, 58 Earley Gate, Reading RG6 6BB, UK
Tel: +44 (0)118 378 6728 Mobile: 07872 416466 http://www.nceo.ac.uk