The conference below is not strictly Polar, but there will be some polar related science at this meeting and there are funding opportunities for Early Career Scientists and PhD Students.
Past Earth Network Conference
The Past Earth Network is an EPSRC funded network with the objective of facilitating communication between palaeo-climate researchers and statisticians/mathematicians. The aim of the network is to use past climate data to assess uncertainties of climate data and models with a view to improving climate forecasts.
The Past Earth Network will be hosting its opening conference this year, September 1st-4th 2015, at Crewe Hall. Registration is now open (http://pastearth.net/conference.html) - reduced fees until the 22nd May 2015.
The aim of this conference is to bring together members of climatology, palaeo-climatology, modelling, stats/maths and related communities. The objective is to discuss the major challenges faced by the network and form links between the communities involved.
During the conference, working groups will be formed which will continue the discussion of the network themes. The working groups will, at a later stage, have access to funding for feasibility studies to address their fields.
For attendees providing a poster or talk we will grant free accommodation. PhD students and early career scientists will also have access to some financial assistance for transport.
For more information about the Past Earth Network Conference please visit: http://pastearth.net/conference.html .
Apologies for cross-posting
Dr. Aisling Dolan
School of Earth & Environment
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085
Email: A.M.Dolan@leeds.ac.uk
Twitter: @DrAislingDolan
Homepage: http://homepages.see.leeds.ac.uk/~earado/
Palaeo@leeds: http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/research/essi/palaeoleeds/