Thursday, March 19, 2015

Volunteers Required: Public Engagement @ Birmingham ThinkTank (Travel/accommodation funding available)

Dear UKPN, 

In partnership with the International Polar Foundation we've been running a series of public engagement events around the UK, with the first workshop in Dundee last year being a big success. The second one will be in Birmingham on 24 - 26th April 2015, at the Birmingham ThinkTank. 

We're looking for a few volunteers to come along over the long weekend to help us out in the following areas:
  • Running the Class Zero Emissions (CZE) workshops (think hands on science experiments)
  • Displays on the changes in Antarctica over the last 100 years
  • The Shackleton expedition 
  • Short discussions/presentations on your research
  • General interaction with the public/schools
The Saturday and Sunday will be open to the general public - with a few sessions set aside for Brownies and Guides, and Friday will be booked out by groups of primary and secondary-level children, each spending part of their time in the CZE workshop, and also looking around our displays/kit/MASSIVE Polar-puzzles. 

We'd love to have some UKPN-ers come along to be a part of this, and it's an unbeatable opportunity to get some public engagement experience - working with the IPF is absolutely fantastic. We have funding to cover travel and accommodation, making this a great event to participate in. 

The sessions that you're involved in are very much down to you - so don't worry if you have no experience in science communication and don't want to stand up in front of big groups (but if you do, this is a great time to practice!).

Please reply with any questions, or to register interest!




TJ Young
PhD Student, University of Cambridge
President, UK Polar Network

Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731

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