Tuesday, March 24, 2015

ISAES 2015, Goa, India. Session 21: Key drivers of Antarctic biodiversity through the Cenozoic: the influence of climate, oceanography and tectonics

Dear Colleagues

We invite you to contribute to session 21 (talk or poster) at the International Symposium of Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES) 2015 in Goa, India, entitled " Key drivers of Antarctic biodiversity through the Cenozoic: the influence of climate, oceanography and tectonics"

The Abstract deadline for the International Symposium of Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES) 2015 in Goa, India has been extended until 30th March 2015.


Description: Significant changes in climate, tectonics and oceanographic circulation occurred in the Cenozoic, leading to the glaciation of Antarctica. This shaped the evolutionary history of Antarctic organisms on land and in the sea.

Palaeontological studies through the Cenozoic, alongside recent genetic studies of modern taxa, have the potential to reveal important insights into past climate, tectonic evolution, and ocean and wind-mediated dispersal routes across the Southern Ocean and Antarctic continent. They are also key to understanding the origin, distribution, abundance and diversity of the modern Antarctic fauna and flora.

This session explores the relationship between Southern Ocean and Antarctic environments and biodiversity through the Cenozoic, linking biotic patterns from the past to the present with changing climate and the geological evolution of the continent.

Guidelines for abstract submission can be found at: http://www.isaes2015goa.in/abstract.php

Co-Conveners: Claudio A. González-Wevar and Pete Convey

Best wishes

From Rowan Whittle

Dr Rowan Whittle

British Antarctic Survey
High Cross
Madingley Road

Tel: +44 (0) 1223 221393

Email: roit@bas.ac.uk

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