Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Polar & Alpine Microbiology Conference 2015

Dear UKPN members

We would like to invite you to the 6th International Conference on Polar & Alpine Microbiology. The conference will be held between 6-10 September 2015 in České Budějovice, Czech Republic. 

We welcome submissions for oral and poster presentations that fit any of the conference topics:

A. Polar/alpine microbiology and environmental change: past, present and future
B. Microbial diversity and evolution
C. Cold physiology and cryobiology
D. Supraglacial, glacial and subglacial microbiology
E. Polar/alpine cyanobacteria
F. Biotechnology in low temperatures
G. Astrobiology of icy worlds

The deadline for abstract submission and early registration is 1 May 2015.

Please visit the conference website for instruction and further information. Follow us on twitter @2015_PAM for immediate updates. 

On behalf of the local organising committee,

Marie Šabacká & Josef Elster (Conference Chair)

6th International Conference on Polar & Alpine Microbiology
University of South Bohemia
České Budějovice
Czech Republic
Phone: +410 387 776 302

Sunday, March 29, 2015

UKPN Social Sciences Initiative

Good morning UKPN!

In the past couple months, you've probably noticed quite a few emails about the push to better represent social sciences research within the context of early-career polar studies. This reflects the exciting development in the field of research, and to better incorporate much needed interdisciplinarity in our community! Indeed, we are among the first of the National Committees to tackle this issue. 

We'll continue to send bigger updates (once every 1-2 months) to the mailing list, but if you'd like to keep updated on the development of the group, please join the sub-committee's Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1579440562334387/ . I encourage as many of you to join, to be part of something at the forefront of UKPN and APECS!

If you haven't already, please also "like" our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ukpolarnetwork . We post everything that we send by email there, as well as several news announcements, requests, and some general fun media. 

Have a good weekend,


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ocean Modelling Group in 2015

Dear UKPN list members,

I hope many of you will be interested in attending this year's Ocean Modelling Group Meeting as detailed below. Please do pass on the details to anyone you think might be interested.

Best wishes,


Ocean Modelling Group meeting, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 21st-22nd September 2015

This year's Challenger Society Ocean Modelling Group meeting will be held on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd September at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge.

As usual, all breeds of ocean modeller are welcome, from those running coupled GCMs to conceptual modellers, from geophysical fluid dynamicists to biologists, from students to senior professors. Talks will be 10 minutes long and our goal is to make the meeting informal, so recently published results, work in progress, and your latest great ideas (or even just the one you had over breakfast) are all equally welcome! We particularly encourage students to come and present and will prioritise them in our scheduling. Fun WILL be had by all.

There will be a small charge (to be finalised) for lunch, tea, and coffee, with the conference dinner being extra (should you wish to attend, and why wouldn't you?). A limited amount of accommodation will be available at Corpus Christi, for an additional charge, although there are plenty of hotels nearby if they fill up.

Please could you send me an email to register (with a talk title) by 1 June? After which my reminders will become increasingly hard to ignore.

Do please pass this on to anyone that I have missed, along with my apologies for missing them in the first, in particular to students and new members of your research group. Looking forward to another inspiring meeting, and to catching up on all the exciting UK ocean modelling activity!

All the best,

Dave Munday & Helen Johnson

PS: Some useful links:
Corpus Christi - http://www.corpus.cam.ac.uk/
Map of Cambridge (incl. venue & hotels) - https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zd-UvGqOmUtI.kk6vCe20HzM0

ISAES 2015, Goa, India. Session 21: Key drivers of Antarctic biodiversity through the Cenozoic: the influence of climate, oceanography and tectonics

Dear Colleagues

We invite you to contribute to session 21 (talk or poster) at the International Symposium of Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES) 2015 in Goa, India, entitled " Key drivers of Antarctic biodiversity through the Cenozoic: the influence of climate, oceanography and tectonics"

The Abstract deadline for the International Symposium of Antarctic Earth Sciences (ISAES) 2015 in Goa, India has been extended until 30th March 2015.


Description: Significant changes in climate, tectonics and oceanographic circulation occurred in the Cenozoic, leading to the glaciation of Antarctica. This shaped the evolutionary history of Antarctic organisms on land and in the sea.

Palaeontological studies through the Cenozoic, alongside recent genetic studies of modern taxa, have the potential to reveal important insights into past climate, tectonic evolution, and ocean and wind-mediated dispersal routes across the Southern Ocean and Antarctic continent. They are also key to understanding the origin, distribution, abundance and diversity of the modern Antarctic fauna and flora.

This session explores the relationship between Southern Ocean and Antarctic environments and biodiversity through the Cenozoic, linking biotic patterns from the past to the present with changing climate and the geological evolution of the continent.

Guidelines for abstract submission can be found at: http://www.isaes2015goa.in/abstract.php

Co-Conveners: Claudio A. González-Wevar and Pete Convey

Best wishes

From Rowan Whittle

Dr Rowan Whittle

British Antarctic Survey
High Cross
Madingley Road

Tel: +44 (0) 1223 221393

Email: roit@bas.ac.uk

This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Conference/Workshop Announcement: Interdisciplinary Polar Studies in Svalbard (IPSiS) Meeting

Dear UKPN, 

Please see below for a conference announcement regarding indisciplinarity in polar studies. The meeting is especially geared towards early-career students and researchers, and is especially useful to acquire new skills and techniques. 

Please contact the relevant persons via the attached link.

Hope all is well,



Interdisciplinary Polar Studies in Svalbard (IPSiS) Meeting
Scientific Conference: Longyearbyen, 20-21 September 2015
Field Workshops for young researchers: Longyearbyen area, 18-19 September 2015; Hornsund, 22-24 September 2015
The University Centre in Svalbard, Norway (UNIS) and the Centre for Polar Studies, Poland (CPS) together with University of Oslo and University of Sheffield invite to conference and field workshops under the common title Interdisciplinary Polar Studies in Svalbard (IPSiS).
The main goal of IPSiS is to facilitate international and interdisciplinary cooperation in studies on the interactive effects of climate change on Arctic nature and societies. The meeting has a special focus on young scientists and PhD students in particular, and is meant to enable them to share ideas and acquire new skills and experiences in Arctic research, mainly by participating in the workshops.
The conference part of IPSiS will provide a venue where scientists, authorities, entrepreneurs and local inhabitants will have an opportunity to meet, exchange experience and discuss monitoring the current climate change and its effects in the Arctic. The plenary sessions of the conference will be open to general audience including Longyearbyen citizens, authorities and entrepreneurs.
IPSiS will cover wide range of disciplines and study areas: climatology and atmosphere physics, glaciology, geomorphology, periglacial processes, freshwater hydrology, terrestrial ecology, physical oceanography, marine ecology, environmental chemistry, human activity in the Arctic. Abstracts of oral presentations and posters are welcomed for submission.
Important dates:
Abstracts submission, application for workshops: 15 May 2015
Notification on acceptance of abstracts and participation in workshops: 8 June 2015
Registration with regular fee rate: 30 June 2015
Late registration: 31 July 2015
First circular is available at http://www.polarknow.us.edu.pl/ipsis-meeting/.
Application forms will be available at the webpage shortly.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Volunteers Required: Public Engagement @ Birmingham ThinkTank (Travel/accommodation funding available)

Dear UKPN, 

In partnership with the International Polar Foundation we've been running a series of public engagement events around the UK, with the first workshop in Dundee last year being a big success. The second one will be in Birmingham on 24 - 26th April 2015, at the Birmingham ThinkTank. 

We're looking for a few volunteers to come along over the long weekend to help us out in the following areas:
  • Running the Class Zero Emissions (CZE) workshops (think hands on science experiments)
  • Displays on the changes in Antarctica over the last 100 years
  • The Shackleton expedition 
  • Short discussions/presentations on your research
  • General interaction with the public/schools
The Saturday and Sunday will be open to the general public - with a few sessions set aside for Brownies and Guides, and Friday will be booked out by groups of primary and secondary-level children, each spending part of their time in the CZE workshop, and also looking around our displays/kit/MASSIVE Polar-puzzles. 

We'd love to have some UKPN-ers come along to be a part of this, and it's an unbeatable opportunity to get some public engagement experience - working with the IPF is absolutely fantastic. We have funding to cover travel and accommodation, making this a great event to participate in. 

The sessions that you're involved in are very much down to you - so don't worry if you have no experience in science communication and don't want to stand up in front of big groups (but if you do, this is a great time to practice!).

Please reply with any questions, or to register interest!




TJ Young
PhD Student, University of Cambridge
President, UK Polar Network

Email: tj.young@polarnetwork.org
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731

We're social! 

Fwd: The Royal Meteorological Society (RmetS) Student Conference

Dear UKPN,

For meteorologists (or meterorologically-inspired people), see below for the annual early careers conference by RmetS.

- TJ


The Royal Meteorological Society (RmetS) Student Conference
The Royal Meteorological Society (RmetS) student conference committee would like to welcome you to this year's conference. The event takes place from the 1-3rd July 2015 at the University of Birmingham. This annual conference provides an excellent opportunity for PhD and Masters students to present their research in a relaxed atmosphere. The theme of the conference is weather and climate, and we are taking abstracts from numerous research fields including; cloud and microphysics, oceanography, paleoclimate, polar interactions and where art meets meteorology. The theme is broad, and covers many areas- so please send abstracts, even if you are not sure which session is best. There will be guest speakers, oral and poster presentations, and ice-breaker activities and meals. This year there will also be a photography competition!
For more information please visit the website: http://www.rmets.org/events/student-conference-2015 and see the attached poster.
Abstract submission closes April 13th, and registration closes 25th May.
Many thanks
RMetS Student Conference Committee

Monday, March 16, 2015

Re: UKPN-social science-meeting, mid-March

Dear UKPN members - 

We had a great call last night between members of UKPN from Aberdeen, Oxford, Durham and Nottingham Unis across the UK, all from within a range of interesting social science research disciplines.

On the next meeting agenda to be held next month (keep your eyes open for a future update!) we currently have a number of items that I am chasing up with TJ and Laura Hobbes (Execs of the UKPN): 

- the task of developing the website (see: www.polarnetwork.org/new ) -- Laura Ferguson (who couldn't make it due to an electrical storm of some kind while away on a course) has worked together with myself to assess the current state of the UKPN website: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rh9Yotwe-FWESKl2fiqr6J5MgncjCL7Z5F5Her28PQM/edit?usp=sharing 

- the task of developing working groups. centred around the principles of APECS' to be integrated within the UKPN's current organisational structure: i.e. Education and Outreach and Research Activities Committee.

- the task of science communication and networking. a huge part of the drive of the UKPN Social Sciences development in the upcoming months before the UKPN's AGM in September will be to get as many UKPN Social Scientists known to one another - as well as beyond the UK.

If you are (or know of anybody who is) willing to get involved with any of the three key tasks on the agenda of the next UKPN Social Science meeting then get in touch with me and I can keep you in the loop with regard to how we intend to tackle and formulate approaches to each of task.

Whereas we now have a cool Facebook page to use in the time being before the UKPN actually updates its website and develops a new strategy to compensate for the visibility of the Social Sciences within the organisation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1579440562334387/?fref=ts 

So do ADD yourselves to the Group and invite Others! It's a great way to get Social about Polar Social Sciences!

Best wishes from me in Durham - enjoy your weeks ahead!


From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 15 March 2015 17:04
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; apope00@gmail.com; tj.young@polarnetwork.org; josephenolan@gmail.com; lef30@hw.ac.uk; laura.hobbs@polarnetwork.org; Shapovalova, Daria; victoria.wylliedeecheverria@ouce.ox.ac.uk
Subject: RE: UKPN-social science-meeting, mid-March

Hi All - 

Great to be in touch: this is just a quick reminder that the next UKPN Social Science meeting will start in approx one hour (give and take half an hour for members to arrive); i.e. 6pm and should be over within the hour. My skype add is mikes_finnish_connection for those of you who need to add me.



From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 08 March 2015 15:13
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; apope00@gmail.com; tj.young@polarnetwork.org; josephenolan@gmail.com; lef30@hw.ac.uk; laura.hobbs@polarnetwork.org; Shapovalova, Daria; victoria.wylliedeecheverria@ouce.ox.ac.uk
Subject: RE: UKPN-social science-meeting, mid-March

Dear UKPN social scientists -

Thank you for completing the Doodle Poll if you have done so. The agreed time for the next Mid-March meeting is Sunday 15th March at 6 or 6.30pm.

If interested in discussing the development of a social science presence in the UK Polar Network go ahead and attend! Please put this date and time in your diaries along with my Skype address: mikes_finnish_connection. 

This call promises to be a productive meeting again! Everyone is welcome to join to see what is going on within UKPN's social science network :)

As well as discussing how to get the network recognised within various social science communities across the UK and elsewhere, Laura Ferguson and myself will present an exciting initiative we are developing within the UKPN on Polar web media and communications. You can read and comment on ideas from our last meeting here: 

Also, in case you missed the last Skype call here are the minutes from the last call:


Feel free to contact me in order to ask further questions related to the above.

Best wishes,


APECS Council Co-Chair, 2014-15.
Postgraduate Researcher (PhD)
Department of Geography
, Durham University
Tel. +44 (0) 774 5033 600

E-mail. m.j.laiho@durham.ac.uk

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Re: UKPN-social science-meeting, mid-March

Hi All - 

Great to be in touch: this is just a quick reminder that the next UKPN Social Science meeting will start in approx one hour (give and take half an hour for members to arrive); i.e. 6pm and should be over within the hour. My skype add is mikes_finnish_connection for those of you who need to add me.



From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 08 March 2015 15:13
To: jchking@gmail.com; sms10@aber.ac.uk; mcs89@cam.ac.uk; lgxjf2@nottingham.ac.uk; s.a.wright13@leeds.ac.uk; paul.mann@northumbria.ac.uk; MEDBY I.A.; torschofield@btinternet.com; regina@spaceflightdesign.org; e.f.darlington@lboro.ac.uk; apope00@gmail.com; tj.young@polarnetwork.org; josephenolan@gmail.com; lef30@hw.ac.uk; laura.hobbs@polarnetwork.org; Shapovalova, Daria; victoria.wylliedeecheverria@ouce.ox.ac.uk
Subject: RE: UKPN-social science-meeting, mid-March

Dear UKPN social scientists -

Thank you for completing the Doodle Poll if you have done so. The agreed time for the next Mid-March meeting is Sunday 15th March at 6 or 6.30pm.

If interested in discussing the development of a social science presence in the UK Polar Network go ahead and attend! Please put this date and time in your diaries along with my Skype address: mikes_finnish_connection. 

This call promises to be a productive meeting again! Everyone is welcome to join to see what is going on within UKPN's social science network :)

As well as discussing how to get the network recognised within various social science communities across the UK and elsewhere, Laura Ferguson and myself will present an exciting initiative we are developing within the UKPN on Polar web media and communications. You can read and comment on ideas from our last meeting here: 

Also, in case you missed the last Skype call here are the minutes from the last call:


Feel free to contact me in order to ask further questions related to the above.

Best wishes,


APECS Council Co-Chair, 2014-15.
Postgraduate Researcher (PhD)
Department of Geography
, Durham University
Tel. +44 (0) 774 5033 600

E-mail. m.j.laiho@durham.ac.uk

Thursday, March 12, 2015

POLENET Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Training School - Call for Participants

A good morning to UKPN!

See below for an exciting opportunity in glacial isostatic adjustment, from Andrew Collins at OSU's Byrd Polar Research Centre (collins.1207@buckeyemail.osu.edu).



Greetings All!
I am reaching out to the SCAR national committees to try to call attention to an upcoming workshop sponsored by POLENET and SERCE (funded by SCAR). I would be very appreciative if you could forward this information along to any interested groups within your national programs:
What: POLENET/SERCE GIA Training School
When: 13-19 September, 2015
Where: Gibraltar Island, Lake Erie, Ohio, USA
Deadline to apply: 31 March, 2015
The ongoing global process of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) contributes significantly to present-day rates of sea level change, causes temporal changes in the Earth's gravitational field, and is evident in the displacement of the Earth's surface. 
A training school focused on GIA modeling will be held from 13-19 September, 2015, at the Ohio State University's Stone Laboratory on Gibraltar Island in Lake Erie, Ohio. The school is aimed at early-stage researchers from a wide range of backgrounds, and no previous experience in GIA modeling is required. An introduction to the fundamentals, methods, applications, and current state of GIA modeling will be provided. Participants will be given intensive training on GIA modeling and relevant processes, including ice mass change, solid-earth deformation, and sea-level and geoid variations, and they will learn about the multitude of relevant data and data sources used to generate, tune, and constrain GIA models. The program will include both lectures and computer exercises utilizing freely available modeling software, and participants will come away with an understanding of the theory and development behind GIA modeling as well the practical ability to independently install and run GIA modeling software.  
Instructors for the GIA School include Mike Bentley, Mike Bevis, Ian Dalziel, Erik Ivins, Matt King, Meredith Nettles, GiorgioSpada, Holger Steffen, Bert Vermeersen, Wouter van der Wal, Pippa Whitehouse, and Doug Wiens.
There is no registration fee, and participants will be provided with food and lodging for the duration of the training school. Funding for additional travel expenses, including airfare, may be available for both US and non-US participants. Individuals seeking financial support should submit both an Enrollment Application and a Financial Support Application, available at www.polenet.org. The deadline for application is 31 March, 2015.
Financial support is provided by NSF-Polar/Antarctic Earth Sciences and the SCAR-SERCE Research Programme.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Andrew Collins 
POLENET :: the Polar Earth Observing Network
Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center | The Ohio State University
614.292.4346 Office | 614.292.2326 Lab
collins.1207@osu.edu | www.polenet.org

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

APECS Online Conference

Dear UKPN,

Apologies for any cross-posting, but see below for a great online conference from APECS. 

Laura Hobbs.

Register now as an Audience Member to participate! 

New perspectives in the Polar Sciences

APECS International Online Conference
Conference Date: 16 March 2015 (09:00 GMT to 22:05 GMT)
Event Format: Online conference (webinar)

APECS webinar organizers announce registration for audience members to participate in our International Online Conference, "New Perspectives in the Polar Sciences," which is scheduled for 16 March 2015 (09:00 GMT to 22:05 GMT):

Please register for New Perspectives in the Polar Sciences on Mar 16, 2015 9:00 AM GMT at: 


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

This conference will engage scientific dialogues between early career scientists from multiple disciplines and backgrounds on new research perspectives in their field of research. With increased attention on the changing polar environment and the future challenges this will bring, this conference aims to convey the broad range of new research currently being conducted internationally. Guest speakers include Prof. Pete Convey from the British Antarctic Survey, UK, who will be discussing new research on the evolution and adaptation of Antarctic terrestrial biota and the implications of this for future management and conservation; and Prof. John Smellie from the University of Leicester, UK, will be discussing new methodological applications of glaciovolcanism that are able to better reconstruct the evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, the largest ice mass in the world. The full conference programme is given below: 

The detailed conference programme including all abstracts can be downloaded on the APECS website

APECS Online International Conference
New Perspectives in the Polar Sciences 


09:00-09:05 GMT: Session One Conference Introduction


09:05-09:20 GMT: Antarctica in Advertising: Media Representations of the South
Presenter: Hanne Nielsen, Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), University of Tasmania, Australia


09:20-09:35 GMT: Spatial and temporal variations of total mercury in Antarctic snow along the transect from Zhongshan Station to Dome A
Presenter: Chuanjin Li, State Key Lab of Cryospheric Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

09:35-09:50 GMT: GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) research on Livingston Island, Antarctica
Presenter: Asparuh Kamburov, University of Mining and Geology, Bulgaria

09:50-10:05 GMT: Persistent organic pollutants' release from a glacier in the context of changing melt and snowfall
Presenter: Krystyna Koziol, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland


10:05-10:20 GMT: The Polar Regions: Ideal Test Beds for Data Assimilation
Presenter: François Massonnet, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium and Catalan Institute for Climate Sciences, Spain


10:20-10:35 GMT: Vegetation Extraction in Antarctica Using Remote Sensing
Presenter: Chayanika Devi,National Center For Antarctica And Ocean Research, Goa, India

10:35-10:50 GMT: Boreal Shrub Growth Response to Fertilization, Herbivory and Climate near Kluane Lake, Yukon
Presenter: Meagan Grabowski, University of British Columbia, Canada

10:50-11:05 GMT: Effects of iron and light co-limitation on Southern Ocean phytoplankton
Presenter: Raissa Philibert, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa

11:05-11:20 GMT: Insights into trophic ecology of the Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica) in Antarctic coastal ecosystems
Presenter: Erica Carlig, ISMAR-CNR U.O.S. Genoa and University of Siena, Italy


11:20-11:35 GMT: Web conferences: interaction with Antarctic researchers from anywhere
Presenter: Adriana Keiko Nishida, Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil, and Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Brazil


11:35-12:15 GMT: How do you mix biology and ice ages in the Antarctic?
Presenter: Prof. Pete Convey, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK




18:55-19:00 GMT: Session Two Conference Introduction


19:00-19:45 GMT: Volcanoes and reconstructing the Antarctic Ice Sheet – the myth of an irreversible step-change in thermal regime
Presenter: Prof. John Smellie, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK


19:45-20:00 GMT: Walrus and bearded seals go with the floe
Presenter: Olivia Lee, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA

20:00-20:15 GMT: Ecology of arrow worms in the Arctic – are they really the "tigers of the plankton"?
Presenter: Jordan Grigor, Takuvik Joint International Laboratory, Université Laval (Canada) - CNRS (France) and Québec-Océan, Université Laval, Québec, Canada      

20:15-20:30 GMT: Spatial distribution of the macrobenthos at the Mackellar Inlet, King George Island: Explanations integrating the systematic and trophic grouping approaches
Presenter: Bernabé Moreno, Cientifica del Sur University, Lima, Peru

20:30-20:45 GMT: Automatic zooplankton species identification for the greater North Water Polynya region
Presenter: Moritz S. Schmid, Takuvik Joint International Laboratory, Université Laval (Canada) - CNRS (France) and Québec-Océan, Université Laval, Québec, Canada

20:45-21:00 GMT: Forecasting the habitat suitability of high risk invasive species in the Canadian Arctic
Presenter: Jesica Goldsmit, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (UQAR/ISMER), Quebec, Canada


21:00-21:15 GMT: From Winds to Sea Ice: A Historical Perspective on Global Climate
Presenter: Julianne Yip, McGill University, Quebec, Canada

21:15-21:30 GMT: Brazilian initiative to psychological interventions in Antarctica
Presenter: Paola Barros-Delben, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil

21:30-21:45 GMT: Exploration of Utility and Expansion of Indigenous Knowledge within the Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONet) Local Observation Program Database: Pilot in Barrow, Alaska of the North Slope Borough
Presenter: Irene Holak, Antioch University New England, New Hampshire, USA

21:45-22:00 GMT: To the Extremes! A Teacher Research Experience Program in the Polar Regions
Presenter: Sarah Bartholow, Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, USA


For more information and enquiries about the conference, please email Rachel Downey (rachel.v.downey@gmail.com)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Re: UKPN-social science-meeting, mid-March

Dear UKPN social scientists -

Thank you for completing the Doodle Poll if you have done so. The agreed time for the next Mid-March meeting is Sunday 15th March at 6 or 6.30pm.

If interested in discussing the development of a social science presence in the UK Polar Network go ahead and attend! Please put this date and time in your diaries along with my Skype address: mikes_finnish_connection. 

This call promises to be a productive meeting again! Everyone is welcome to join to see what is going on within UKPN's social science network :)

As well as discussing how to get the network recognised within various social science communities across the UK and elsewhere, Laura Ferguson and myself will present an exciting initiative we are developing within the UKPN on Polar web media and communications. You can read and comment on ideas from our last meeting here: 

Also, in case you missed the last Skype call here are the minutes from the last call:


Feel free to contact me in order to ask further questions related to the above.

Best wishes,


APECS Council Co-Chair, 2014-15.
Postgraduate Researcher (PhD)
Department of Geography
, Durham University
Tel. +44 (0) 774 5033 600

E-mail. m.j.laiho@durham.ac.uk

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Polar Prediction School - Call for Expressions of Interest

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to call your attention to the WWRP/WCRP/Bolin Centre Polar Prediction School that will be held at the Abisko Field Station in Arctic Sweden from 5-15 April 2016 (next year) sponsored by WWRP, WCRP, and the Bolin Center.  The school is part of the WWRP Polar Prediction Project and the WCRP Polar Climate Predictability Initiative.
This course on Polar Prediction will provide training for 30 PhD and early career post-doctoral polar scientists, focusing on topics such as: polar mesoscale atmospheric processes; sea ice prediction, near term ensemble prediction, and seasonal-to-decadal climate variability and prediction in the polar regions. The program will combine lectures on key areas relevant for polar prediction and a number of field observation and modelling exercises to foster an interactive learning environment.
We are asking for people interested in this school to fill out the Expression of Interest form by 15 May. You can find the form here: http://www.climate- cryosphere.org/wcrp/pcpi/ meetings/abisko-pp-2016/ expression-of-interest
Limited travel support may be available, particularly for participants from developing countries.
For more information on the school, visit http://www.climate- cryosphere.org/wcrp/pcpi/ meetings/abisko-pp-2016. For any questions, contact Jonny Day <j.j.day@reading.ac.uk>.

On behalf of the organizing committee,

--   ----------------------  Dr Jonathan Day - Research Scientist - NCAS-Climate    EMAIL:    j.j.day@reading.ac.uk  WEB:      http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/users/users/1765  TWITTER:  @jonny_day    Dept. of Meteorology,     Phone: 0118 378 6018  University of Reading,    Fax:   0118 378 8316  READING. RG6 6BB. UK.     Room:  3L71  ------------------------------------------------------ 

Monday, March 2, 2015

School visit - Colchester

Dear UKPN, 

We've been emailed to ask if anyone is able to visit a primary school in Colchester to speak to a year two class about Polar research.

If anyone would like to take part, please let me know and I will put you in touch with the teacher. As always, we're happy to offer any help or advice, and travel will be covered. 

Many thanks, 
Laura Hobbs. 

PhD Studentships @ Northumbria University, snow-boreal forest interactions

Dear all, 

Two PhD studentships in modelling and measurement of snow-boreal forest interactions are currently being advertised at Northumbria University, UK, to commence in the autumn of 2015.  Further details about the individual projects and contacts for further enquiries can be found using the links below.


Improved climate model simulation of snow cover extent in boreal forest


Supervisory team: Dr Nick Rutter (nick.rutter@northumbria.ac.uk); Dr Chris Fletcher (chris.fletcher@uwaterloo.ca); Dr Leanne Wake; Dr Chris Derksen

Application deadline 30 April 2015 (funding secured)


Variability in snow melt-out associated with boreal forest structure


Supervisory team: Dr Nick Rutter (nick.rutter@northumbria.ac.uk); Dr Mike Loranty (mloranty@colgate.edu); Dr Leanne Wake; Dr Chris Derksen

Application deadline 31 March 2015 (competitive funding)





Dr Nick Rutter

Department of Geography

Northumbria University

Ellison Building

Newcastle upon Tyne


United Kingdom


Tel: +44 (0) 191 227 4735

Fax: +44 (0) 191 227 3519

e-mail: nick.rutter@northumbria.ac.uk
