The Cambridge Earth System Sciences (ESS) DTP provides PhD training across NERC science. Embedded in the outstanding research environment of the University of Cambridge and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), it is organised around three major research themes: Solid Earth, Climate, and Biology. Students in the DTP cohort engage in research projects of global significance across the physical, chemical and biological sciences, and graduate with strong numerical and modelling skills. A network of links within national and international science, industry and government prepares students to become leaders in their chosen fields.
Please see this link for the “Climate” theme projects on offer:
Dr. Ailsa K. Benton
Ice Core Analytical Scientist
Chemistry and Past Climate Programme
British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingley Road
Cambridge, CB3 0ET
United Kingdom
Cambridge, CB3 0ET
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1223 221426
Fax: +44 (0)1223 362616

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