The deadline for the Science and Society Workshop - Do they have to be Poles apart? has been extended to the 14/03/14. Event date: 22nd-23rd April a the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. You can register here:
This workshop will address a wide range of science communication, aiming to make your research more visible in the public eye as well as finding new ways of engaging audiences. We have involvement from some fantastic speakers including Jon Copley (NOC), Ceri Lewis (University of Exeter), the NOC Press Team, Liz Pasteur (International Polar Foundation) and Helen Czerski (University College London). The programme is being finalised at the moment.
We have also received some extra funding, allowing us to contribute to travel and accommodation for Masters and PhD students.
I look forward to seeing some of you in Southampton,
Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network