This is an exciting PostDoc position, part of a project I am currently involved in (includes fieldwork!!):
We are looking to appoint an atmospheric scientist to take part in a three year research programme into the microphysics of Antarctic clouds. The person appointed would take part in field programme involving an instrumented aircraft during the 2014/15 Antarctic summer. They will be responsible for running the Polar WRF model to provide forecast support for the project. After the field programme has been completed they will help to develop new cloud parameterisation for the WRF model based on the results of the field campaign. They will also consider how these parameterisation can be used in global climate models.
Happy weekend everyone!
Dr. Amélie Kirchgaessner FRMetS
British Antarctic Survey
email: amelie.kirchgaessner@bas.ac.uk
+44 (0)1223 221359
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