Thursday, December 25, 2014
2014 Season's Greetings from UKPN
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Re: Polar Social Scientists ~ Ahoy!
Tomorrow evening me and a group of early career scientists are scheduled to Skype at 6pm GMT.
The call is a general discussion in order to network within UKPN and to determine how Polar social sciences could be developed within the UK.
If you would like to attend this call then contact me via e-mail or add to your Skype contacts at: mikes_finish_connection.
Best wishes,
Mika --
Postgraduate Researcher (PhD)
Department of Geography, Durham University
Tel. +44 (0) 774 5033 600
From: LAIHO M.J.
Sent: 05 December 2014 15:38
Subject: Polar Social Scientists ~ Ahoy!
Hi UKPK Social Scientists,
I would like to organise an event with those of you who would like to get UKPN's social scientists more active. Therefore, for those of you who are interested or might know of others who are, please contact me directly and we shall hold a short Skype call in order to establish a plan of action for 2015.
Mika ~
Postgraduate Researcher (PhD)
Department of Geography, Durham University
Tel. +44 (0) 774 5033 600
School Visit Wroughton
I have had an email from a teacher from a school in Wroughton in the Swindon region. Her year 3 class will be studying the polar regions next year and she is very keen to get a polar scientist with fieldwork experience to talk to her class between January and February next year.
If anyone is interested please get in contact, does not matter if you haven't done a school visit before we can give you ideas of activities and advice!
Best wishes
Friday, December 5, 2014
Polar Social Scientists ~ Ahoy!
I would like to organise an event with those of you who would like to get UKPN's social scientists more active. Therefore, for those of you who are interested or might know of others who are, please contact me directly and we shall hold a short Skype call in order to establish a plan of action for 2015.
Mika ~
Postgraduate Researcher (PhD)
Department of Geography, Durham University
Tel. +44 (0) 774 5033 600
Re: New Polar Research Vessel Town Meeting and Workshop
I would like to organise an event with those of you who would like to get UKPN's social scientists more active. Therefore, for those of you who are interested or might know of others who are, please contact me directly and we shall hold a short Skype call in order to establish a plan of action for 2015.
Michael John Laiho
Postgraduate Researcher (PhD)
Department of Geography, Durham University
Tel. +44 (0) 774 5033 600
From: UK Polar Network Mailing List [UKPN@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Ruth Hindshaw []
Sent: 05 December 2014 14:44
Subject: New Polar Research Vessel Town Meeting and Workshop
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: NERC ES Listserver 05.12.14
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 14:27:27 +0000
From: Knight, Daniel P. <daig@NERC.AC.UK><mailto:daig@NERC.AC.UK>
Reply-To: Knight, Daniel P. <daig@NERC.AC.UK><mailto:daig@NERC.AC.UK>
1. New Polar Research Vessel Town Meeting and Workshop to identify future NERC Marine Equipment Requirements
New Polar Research Vessel Town Meeting and Workshop to identify future NERC Marine Equipment Requirements
A meeting will be held on 15 January 2015 in London to engage with the wider scientific community and encourage participation and input to overall design concept and operability of the new NERC polar research vessel. Furthermore, a workshop of the NERC Marine Facilities Advisory Board (MFAB) will run concurrently; the aim of which will be to gain wide community input to and engagement with equipment requirements in marine science over the next five to ten years. More information about these meetings and registration can be found at:
This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.
New Polar Research Vessel Town Meeting and Workshop
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | NERC ES Listserver 05.12.14 |
Date: | Fri, 5 Dec 2014 14:27:27 +0000 |
From: | Knight, Daniel P. <daig@NERC.AC.UK> |
Reply-To: | Knight, Daniel P. <daig@NERC.AC.UK> |
1. New Polar Research Vessel Town Meeting and Workshop to identify future NERC Marine Equipment Requirements
New Polar Research Vessel Town Meeting and Workshop to identify future NERC Marine Equipment Requirements
A meeting will be held on 15 January 2015 in London to engage with the wider scientific community and encourage participation and input to overall design concept and operability of the new NERC polar research vessel. Furthermore, a workshop of the NERC Marine Facilities Advisory Board (MFAB) will run concurrently; the aim of which will be to gain wide community input to and engagement with equipment requirements in marine science over the next five to ten years. More information about these meetings and registration can be found at:
This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Applications Open: Juneau Icefield Research Program 2015
Thursday, November 27, 2014
FW: STEM Job Opportunity - Cambridge Science Centre -Apply Now-closing 8th Dec
Hello UKPN,
Here's a job opportunity for those of you interested in Outreach.
From: STEM Team East []
Sent: 27 November 2014 15:04
Subject: STEM Job Opportunity - Cambridge Science Centre -Apply Now-closing 8th Dec
This message (and any attachments) is for the recipient only. NERC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the contents of this email and any reply you make may be disclosed by NERC unless it is exempt from release under the Act. Any material supplied to NERC may be stored in an electronic records management system.
Cryospheric PhD projects Oct 2015 start
I'd like to highlight a couple of cryospheric-themed Ph.D. projects starting in October 2015. Both of these are available for UK and other European Union students who have resided in the UK for 3 years or more.
1) Sea ice and climate feedbacks in the Southern Ocean (supervisor Prof. Danny Feltham, University of Reading)
2) Marine ice control over ice-shelf stability (supervisor Dr. Jerome Neufeld, University of Cambridge)
Dr. Paul Holland
British Antarctic Survey
+44 (0) 1223 221444
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Get help to improve your research software
If you write code as part of your research, then you can get help to
improve it - free of charge, through the Software Sustainability Institute's Open Call for Projects (closes 5 December 2014).
Apply at
You can ask for our help to improve your research software, your development practices, or your community of users and contributors (or all three!). You may want to improve the sustainability or reproducibility of your software, and need an assessment to see what to do next. Perhaps you need guidance or development effort to help improve specific aspects or make better use of infrastructure. We want applications from any discipline in relation to software at any level of maturity.
The Software Sustainability Institute is a national facility funded by the EPSRC. Since 2010, the Institute's Research Software Group[1] has assisted over 40 projects across all the UK Research Councils. In a recent survey, 93% of our previous collaborators indicated they were "very satisfied" with the results of the work. To see how we've helped others, you can check out our portfolio of past and current projects[2].
A typical Open Call project runs between one and six months, during which time we work with successful applicants to create and implement a tailored work plan. You can submit an application to the Open Call at any time, which only takes a few minutes, at
We're also interested in partnering on proposals. If you would like to know more about the Open Call, or explore options for partnership, please get in touch with us at
Best Regards,
Steve Crouch
Research Software Group Leader
Software Sustainability Institute
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Cambridge Earth System Science NERC DTP Studentships Available with BAS & The University of Cambridge
Cambridge, CB3 0ET
United Kingdom

Monday, November 3, 2014
School visit request Essex
Friday, October 31, 2014
School visit Essex
I have been contacted by a primary school teacher from Boxted St Peter's primary in Colchester, Essex.
She is very keen for a UKPN member to give a talk to her year 5 class as a part of their 'Journeys' topic.
A talk covering a polar field work expedition would be great for this!
Please contact me if you are interest in helping out, the school will cover travel expenses etc.
Many thanks
PhD student Natural History Museum and University of Liverpool
UKPN Education and Outreach
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
2015 Polar Marine Science Gordon Research Conference
The 2015 Polar Marine Science Gordon Research Conference (GRC) entitled "Polar Shelves and Shelf Break Exchange in Times of Rapid Climate Warming" will be held in Lucca, Italy from March 15-20, 2015.
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731
New UK Polar Research Vessel: Public Consultation on Scientific Requirements
The deadline for comments is 31 January 2015.
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731
Friday, October 24, 2014
APECS Webinar: building a personal/academic website
Webinars are interactive presentations and workshops, for which APECS uses the online conferencing program "GoToMeeting". This live presentation platform allows participants to hear the presentation, see the power points slides and interact via chat box with the presenter the entire time. Webinars allow people to connect and participant in high quality research and skill training discussions from the comfort of their desk!
Each webinar will last approximately one hour and will be broadcast online. APECS looks forward to your participation.
The first webinar of this APECS webinar season is:
Building a personal/academic website
with Jean-Sébastien Moore (Université Laval, Canada)
Nov 3, 11:00 EST Time
Webinar ID:411988233
About this webinar: As early career scientists, we should all be concerned about advertising ourselves. One of the best ways of doing this is to build a website showcasing your work. I will first go over some of the numerous alternatives that exist for you to easily build and host a free website. I will then go into more details on the process of building the site with the tool that I myself prefer: Weebly. I will then share some thoughts on what I think is good design for a personal/academic website.
How to participate? Register and reserve your spot here
GoToWebinar has been provided as an in-kind contribution from Bredbåndsfylket.
SSI IPCLC Workshop on Academic Intellectual Property
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
EUROFLEETS2 Training Programme: Oceanography at Sea - An Introduction to Practical Aspects of Oceanography [] On Behalf Of Andrea Caburlotto
Sent: mardi 21 octobre 2014 12:50
To: eurofleets2
Subject: [eurofleets2] Open Call: EUROFLEETS2 Training Programme in Applied Oceanography, Norwegian Sea.Dear Colleagues,I would like to inform you of a wonderful opportunity for postgraduate students of Marine Science under the EUROFLEETS2 programme in 2015.A training course in applied oceanographic data collection will take place onboard the RV Dana from the 20th of May to the 3rd of June 2015 on an expedition from Tromso in Norway to Hirtshals in Denmark.We would be grateful if you would circulate details of this opportunity to postgraduate students of marine science in your institute and research community. To this end please find attached a poster and two page flyer for:"Oceanography at Sea: An Introduction to Practical Aspects of Oceanography"Course details and applications may be accessed online at:The closing date for applications for this course is December 1st. The course is accredited by the MSc programme in Aquatic Science and Technology at the Technical University of Denmark to 5 ECTs. If you have any queries regarding the course please do not hesitate to get in touch.For more information, please visit
Apologies in advance for any cross-posting.
Many thanks and regards,
--_____________________________________________________________________Andrea CaburlottoIstituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGSGeophysics SectionBorgo Grotta Gigante 42/c phone: +39 040214034134010 Sgonico, Trieste (Italy) fax: +39 040327307e-mail: acaburlotto@inogs.itweb:
Thursday, October 16, 2014
FW: post doc on marine global change
Sorry for any cross-posting but see below…
Dear all,
an exciting postdoc position is available at the University of Glasgow on coralline algae and global change which would suit candidates with relevant experience from tropical, temperate or polar systems.
On this project, you will use marine coralline algae to understand historic changes in marine and terrestrial environments driven by melting Greenland glaciers. You will provide a leading contribution to this Leverhulme Trust funded project working with Dr Nick Kamenos (University of Glasgow) and Drs Douglas Mair, Brice Rea & Ed Schofield (University of Aberdeen).
Specifically, this post requires expert knowledge in biogenic calcifying marine systems (e.g. coralline algae, corals, molluscs) in a palaeoclimate, ecological or biogeochemical context. The project will involve a number of field campaigns to Greenland. You will work closely with another Research Associate (University of Aberdeen) in glaciology. You will also be expected to contribute to the formulation and submission of research publications and research proposals as well as help manage and direct this complex and challenging project as opportunities allow.
This position has funding until 31 July 2017 in the first instance.
For more information and to apply online, use job reference 009422 at
Expected Interview Date: mid December 2014
Preferred start date: 1 February 2015
Please visit our new website at and follow us on Twitter @PlymouthMarine Winner of the Environment & Conservation category, the Charity Awards 2014. Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) is a company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales, company number 4178503. Registered Charity No. 1091222. Registered Office: Prospect Place, The Hoe, Plymouth PL1 3DH, UK. This message is private and confidential. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and remove it from your system. You are reminded that e-mail communications are not secure and may contain viruses; PML accepts no liability for any loss or damage which may be caused by viruses.
SET for Britain (March 2015)
Phone: +44 (0)7539 526731
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Re: Young Scientist Forum Funding
I'm at the Arctic Frontiers symposium in Brussels ~ any advice for this application before I consider it?
From: UK Polar Network Mailing List [UKPN@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Laura Hobbs [laurajhobbs@GMAIL.COM]
Sent: 14 October 2014 13:51
Subject: Young Scientist Forum Funding
Dear UKPN,
There is still funding available for attending the Young Scientist Forum and Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromso next January. A great opportunity - and really supports early career scientists (there's a whole five day workshop dedicated to ECS development!). Please see below for more info.
Laura Hobbs.
1) Deadline for YSF application – 17/10-2014
There are still places available for students to attend the Young Scientist Forum in conjunction with the Arctic Frontiers conference 2015.
The deadline for applying is 17/10-2014. Please use the following link:MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be<>
Applications must be sent in before the deadline but can be evaluated first after the submitted abstracts for the conference are accepted.
Young Scientist Forum Funding
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Fwd: FW: Announcing PEIs Master Class #2
Polar Educators International (PEI), a vibrant network promoting polar education and research to a global community, ( is pleased to announce the second in the new Master Class series targeting a dual audience:
· Educators seeking cutting-edge professional development on the latest science discoveries
· Researchers interested in learning proven strategies for communicating scientific concepts in a clear and meaningful way to non-technical audiences
We have attached a flyer advertising the class, Natural and Anthropogenic (that pesky word!) Climate Impacts: Evidence from Ice Cores.
Featuring leading researcher, Dr. Joe McConnell and polar educator, Ms. Linda Morris, the class is being offered free to all participants. Membership in PEI is required for participation in Master Class activities. Registrations are due by 25 October 2014, with the initial web seminar taking place Wednesday, 29 October 2014 at 2000 GMT. A two-week online discussion forum 30 October- 14 November 2014 will follow the web seminar.
Further information on how to participate is available at:
Many thanks for helping us get the word out about this exciting opportunity!
PEI Executive Committee
Thursday, October 2, 2014
NGPR Leadership Symposium for early career polar researchers
New Generation of Polar Researchers (NGPR)
Leadership Symposium
May 2-9, 2015
USC Wrigley/Boone Center for Environmental Leadership
Catalina Island, California
Application Deadline: November 3, 2015
The International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2009 provided a once-in-50-years opportunity to celebrate and advance polar research. The 2008 New Generation of Polar Researchers (NGPR) Symposium provided a select group of early career researchers with an opportunity to share their IPY research plans, establish an ongoing collegial network, develop a common sense of history and purpose, and place their work in an interdisciplinary, systems context. Given the importance of polar regions to the Earth system and rapidly changing environmental conditions, the 2015 NGPR symposium will bring together a new cohort of early career polar researchers to build on the momentum from the IPY.
The week-long NGPR Leadership Symposium will bring together a select group of 36 early career researchers to present their research and discuss emerging research, professional and societal issues. Established polar experts, including Lonnie Thompson and Ellen Mosley Thompson, will share their history and insights. Training sessions will focus on communication, team-building, collaborative research and leadership skills.
Eligibility: The 2015 NGPR Leadership symposium is open to early career researchers who completed their Ph.D. degree between 1 January 2009 and 31 October 2014 and who have completed at least some of their Ph.D. or subsequent research in a polar region. While international participation is welcomed, the focus will be on the U.S. research system.
Selection Process: Participation will be limited to a total of 36 invited early career scholars. Each symposium application will be evaluated by at least 3 reviewers with expertise in the applicant?s major area of research. The review criteria will include research quality, commitment to polar research, professional service and outreach interests. Selection will favor research excellence and leadership potential.
Expenses: Grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation will cover the costs of on-site room and meals along with air fare between the Los Angeles International Airport and & any other U.S. airport. Transportation will be provided between the Los Angeles International Airport & the U.S.C. Wrigley/Boone Center for Environmental Leadership on Catalina Island. Travel from locations outside the U.S. will not be covered.
Information and Application instructions:
Co-Organizers: Sheldon D. Drobot, National Center for Atmospheric Research and C. Susan Weiler, Whitman College
Support: The NGPR Leadership Symposium is supported by collaborative grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation
Questions? Contact
C. Susan Weiler, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
Whitman College
Young Tun Jan (TJ)
President, 2014 - 2015
PhD Candidate
Scott Polar Research Institute
Department of Geography
University of Cambridge
4 Lensfield Road
Cambridge, CB2 1ER
Phone: +44 (0)1223 336574