Hello everyone!
A quick reminder about a great opportunity the UKPN is currently offering....
The UKPN 'Software and Polar Science Workshop' (http://polarnetwork.org/events-and-workshops/2013-software-and-polar-research-workshop/) will take place on the 17th September 2013 at the Scott Polar Research Institute (directly preceding the Arctic Science Conference). The Workshop is free of charge and importantly we also have some money available to help cover travel! It is a really fantastic opportunity for anyone who uses any kind of computer code to do their science.
We have extended the registration deadline until the 31st of July, so please register at http://polarnetwork.org/events-and-workshops/2013-software-and-polar-research-workshop/register/
Our schedule (http://polarnetwork.org/events-and-workshops/2013-software-and-polar-research-workshop/schedule/) already looks great with talks on data sharing (Dr. Ian Rutt and Dr. Roisin Moriarty) and also ideas for visualisation techniques (Dr. Jon Blower).
Hope to see some of you there!
Kind regards,
UKPN Software Workshop Team
TJ Young
Nick Toberg
Martin O'Leary
Johnny Ryan
Jen King
Laura Hobbs
Allen Pope
Aisling Dolan
-----Original Message-----
From: UK Polar Network Mailing List [mailto:UKPN@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Jennifer King
Sent: 26 June 2013 14:59
Subject: UKPN Software and Polar Science Workshop - 17th Sept 2013
Dear UKPN,
We are pleased to announce the call for participation in the UKPN 'Software and Polar Science Workshop'. If you are a Polar Scientist who at any point during your research will use computer software, then this workshop will be great for you! The one day event will run on the 17th September 2013 at the Scott Polar Research Institute (directly preceding the Arctic Science Conference (http://www.arctic.ac.uk/research/uk-arctic-science-conference-2013/).
With our workshop funders, the Software Sustainability Institute (www.software.ac.uk), we aim to provide useful guidance and practical assistance for Polar researchers who are in need of inspiration when it comes to dealing with plotting, analysing or sharing data.
Specifically we aim to:
* Help you choose the right software for your project
* Identify how to develop maintainable software
* Give you ideas for visualisation of data
* Show you available means of sharing your data so that it is useful for all!
At present confirmed speakers include the Software Sustainability Institute; and Dr. Jon Blower from the University of Reading. Further information, including the draft programme is available at http://polarnetwork.org/events-and-workshops/2013-software-and-polar-research-workshop/ Speakers and sessions will be added as they are confirmed.
There is no charge for the UKPN workshop and a lunch will be provided on the day. Some funding is available to support travel to and accommodation in Cambridge. All participants are expected to give a short (~2 minute) presentation on a piece of software that they use - if everyone donates one piece of useful knowledge from their experience, then each participant will walk away with lots of great ideas!
Once again, the UKPN is offering you a fantastic opportunity to gain useful skills, whilst also meeting up with some of your fellow Polar Scientists. If you would like to take part, please go to http://polarnetwork.org/events-and-workshops/2013-software-and-polar-research-workshop/register/ to complete the registration form. Registration will be open until 25 July 2013.
Kind regards,
UKPN Software Workshop Team
TJ Young
Nick Toberg
Martin O'Leary
Johnny Ryan
Jen King
Laura Hobbs
Allen Pope
Aisling Dolan