Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fwd: [CRYOLIST] PhD on ice topography from Earth Observation at University of Edinburgh, UK

Great PhD Opportunity in Edinburgh!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Noel Gourmelen <noel.gourmelen@ed.ac.uk>
Date: 2013/7/23
Subject: [CRYOLIST] PhD on ice topography from Earth Observation at University of Edinburgh, UK
To: cryolist@cryolist.org

The School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh invites applications for a 3-year funded PhD studentship in Earth Observation of the Cryosphere. The studentship is part of ESA funded projects, the overall aim of the PhD is to develop and utilise satellite measurements from the ESA CryoSat mission to produce surface topography at ice sheet margins and large glaciers. 

Primary supervision will be provided by Dr Noel Gourmelen, co-supervision will be provided by Professors Andy Shepherd of the University of Leeds. A detailed description of the PhD project, the studentship eligibility criteria, and instructions on how to apply for the position can be found at http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/~ngourme2/Job_offer.html - The student is expected to start in the fall of 2013, the deadline for applications is 31 August 2013.  
Informal enquiries should be directed to Noel Gourmelen (noel.gourmelen@ed.ac.uk)

Noel Gourmelen

School of GeoSciences
University of Edinburgh
Drummond Street
Edinburgh EH8 9XP (UK)

p: +44 (0)1316508164

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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