Monday, April 22, 2013

Volunteering opportunities with the International Polar Foundation


We have some volunteering opportunities, enabling you to engage with the general public. The International Polar Foundation workshops are fantastic! They have a host of interactive experiments and polar clothing to try out; it is really an enlightening activity.

Peak District Climate Festival: 4th May, Matlock, Derby. Running polar workshops, see attached event flyer. I will probably be able to help with this, but if anyone else is keen let me know!

Think Tank Birmingham Workshops in May half term (24th May to 1st June): 

We are looking for some scientists amongst the UKPN to help run "Class Zero Emission" workshops at Think Tank Science Centre in Birmingham. The space set for these workshops is right in the middle of the science centre and it would be in the next to a brand new section (opening that day) Ardmann animations exhibition of the "Pirates In an Adventure with Scientists" film. So it should be pretty busy! We would also like to hold something like a "Meet the Scientist" each day, depending on who is able to come along. All training for the workshops will be provided. 

IPF workshop training session: Derby, 21st May - a really useful course to attend, see all the resources, and meet some teachers.

Please let me know if you are interesting in helping the above events, or if you would like to attend the IPF workshop training session. 

All the best, 
Ella Darlington
Vice President, UK Polar Network