Monday, April 2, 2012

FINAL REMINDER: UKPN AGM Wed 4th April, 2pm, University of Sheffield

Hello everyone,

A final reminder that the Annual General Meeting of the UKPN is THIS WEEK:

Wednesday 4th April, 2pm, Geography department (follow signs on
arrival)University of Sheffield.

A free lunch will be provided at 1.15.

Get more involved, learn more about UKPN or just show your support. I
hope to see many of you there!

Best wishes,

Sian Henley
President, UK Polar Network

----- Forwarded message from A.M.Dolan08@LEEDS.AC.UK -----
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 08:23:23 +0100
From: Aisling Dolan <A.M.Dolan08@LEEDS.AC.UK>
Reply-To: Aisling Dolan <A.M.Dolan08@LEEDS.AC.UK>
Subject: REMINDER: UKPN AGM Wed 4th April, 2pm at the University of Sheffield

Hi Everyone,

A quick reminder about the UKPN Annual General Meeting (AGM), which
will be held at 2 pm on Wednesday the 4th April, in the Geography
Department, University of Sheffield - so next week!

If you have been thinking about becoming more involved with UKPN this
is the ideal time to find out more, to take up a position on the
committee, and to bring your own ideas for future events to the table.


* Free lunch provided before the meeting (1.15 pm), which
gives you the opportunity to network or catch up with a few old faces!

* Introduction to UKPN and a quick overview of last year's events

* Update on events currently in the pipeline for 2012

* Introduce those who currently volunteer on the committee and
welcome new committee members

* Open discussion about possible future events (and funding!)
Please bring your ideas and suggestions!

This is a really informal meeting, so please come along, get involved
and meet some of the amazing early career Polar scientists working in
the UK and with UKPN!

Please RSVP if possible (<>)
so we can get an idea of numbers for lunch, but don't be afraid to
just turn up if it's a last minute decision.

Best wishes and looking forward to seeing you,

Aisling Dolan

UKPN secretary<>

Travel information can be found here

The meeting will be following on from the UKPN Modelling in Polar
Sciences Workshop (2nd-4th April, University of Sheffield - email<> for
further details).


Aisling M. Dolan
PhD Student in Palaeoclimatology

School of Earth & Environment
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085

Arctic Science Conference:
UK Polar Network:

----- End forwarded message -----

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