Might be of interest to some of you,
Fully-funded BGS/QMUL Studentship 2012:
The 3D architecture and structure of a tectonised glacigenic sedimentary sequence in the Dogger Bank area of the southern North Sea
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and the British Geological Survey (BGS)
The School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London and the British Geological Survey are seeking to appoint one student to a fully-funded BGS/QMUL Studentship, commencing September 2012. The project will be co-supervised by Dr Simon Carr (QMUL) and Dr Emrys Phillips, Dr Carol Cotterill and Dayton Dove (BGS Edinburgh). The School of Geography at Queen Mary University of London is internationally recognized as a centre of research excellence and was ranked joint 1st amongst UK Geography departments in the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. The British Geological Survey is a part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and is the UK's premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data, information and knowledge. The student will spend approximately 50% of the PhD at each institution.
Project outline
The margins of former ice sheets are often marked by thick sequences of sediments formed through the complex interplay between processes of sedimentation and glacier-induced deformation. Understanding these processes is critical to deciphering the stratigraphic record of Quaternary glaciation, but also provides an important proxy for ice sheet dynamics through the influence of advance/retreat phases on sediment supply and deformation. However, our understanding of the relationships between, and factors controlling sedimentation and deformation at former ice sheet margins, such as the British and Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) is relatively limited. For example, the location of the southern margin of the BIIS within the southern North Sea was, until recently, poorly constrained. The acquisition of previously unavailable high-quality seismic data for the Dogger Bank Round 3 windfarm zone in the Southern North Sea provides a unique opportunity to gain valuable insight into the nature and evolution of this former ice sheet margin. This collaborative project between BGS and QMUL utilises internationally-recognised expertise in the analysis and interpretation of glacially deformed sediments, especially within the context of understanding the evolution of the last ice sheets to encroach on the North Sea Basin. The project will utilise a combination of detailed seismic interpretation, sedimentological and structural analysis and is proposed to erect a reliable lithostratigraphy for the glacial sequence in the Dogger Bank project area, establishing a relative chronology for both the deposition of the main sedimentary units and development of the large-scale glacitectonic deformation structures identified within the seismic profiles. This will provide a glacitectonic and depositional framework from which to model the spatial and temporal changes of the BIIS in Dogger Bank area during the Devensian.
The Award
The studentship will cover university tuition fees and will provide the standard maintenance award (approx. £15,590 per year for 3 years), and a budget for conference attendance and fieldwork expenditure.
Candidate Profile
The studentship is available to UK and EU applicants. Applicants with a wide range of backgrounds are invited to apply and should have a first or upper second class honours degree in Earth Science, Geology, Environmental Science, Geography, or a cognate discipline.
Application Deadline
The closing date for applications is 4 pm Monday 30 April 2012. All short-listed applicants will be interviewed (either face-to-face or, in the case of overseas candidates, by telephone). Interviews will take place on Wednesday 16 May 2012.
Further Details and Application Process
For further details about the School, please visit www.geog.qmul.ac.uk. Further particulars on the studentship, including person specification and details of how to apply, are available at www.geog.qmul.ac.uk/admissions/phdadmissions/. To further discuss the project, please contact Dr Simon Carr (s.j.carr@qmul.ac.uk) or Dr Emrys Phillips (erp@bgs.ac.uk).
Dr Simon Carr
School of Geography,
Queen Mary, University of London,
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK.
t: 00 44 (0)20 7882 2780
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