Monday, March 28, 2011

APECS Networking Event at EGU 2011 - please join us!

Dear UKPN,

**Networking event: Tuesday 5th April, 20:30 at Café Einstein, Vienna**

For those of you attending the EGU General Assembly meeting in Vienna next week, there is a brilliant opportunity for networking being organised by APECS and Network YES (Young Earth Scientists).

This networking event will be held on Tuesday 5th April at Café Einstein ( and will provide a fantastic opportunity to meet Polar early career scientists and young Earth Scientists from around the world. Drinks and nibbles will be provided to facilitate networking, so please join in what promises to be a really fun evening.

We will meet at Café Einstein at 20.30, but the networking event will directly follow the YES Network -APECS Townhall Meeting at 19.00. This meeting is on Career Development: How Can We Integrate Graduate and Employer Needs? Further details below - so please come along!

Hope to see as many of you there as possible!

Kind regards,

Aisling Dolan (UKPN and APECS), Inès Borrione (APECS) and Jo Venus (YES President)

The EGU 2011 APECS-YES networking event has been kindly sponsored by SCAR and AGU.

TM4 - Career Development: How Can We Integrate Graduate and Employer Needs?

Date: 5 April 2011
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 (Vienna, Austria)

This townhall meeting will aim to address some of the key factors in aligning graduate aspirations with employer needs. We will have a panel of speakers that include representatives from geoscience early-career networks (e.g. YES Network -, and the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists - ), representatives from geoscience employers, recent geoscience graduates, and current geoscience students.

We will be drawing on experience and knowledge gleaned from the YES Network's Decision Points survey that has been running since late 2010. This meeting will not only identify aspirations and requirements, but also aims to improve graduate-industry communication via future actions identified during this meeting.

The town hall meeting will be a live web-cast. Web-based participation is free. Registration details are posted on the YES Network's website:

Aisling M. Dolan
PhD Student in Palaeoclimatology

School of Earth & Environment
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085

Thursday, March 24, 2011

IPY Field School on Svalbard - Applications due 1 April!


In case there are some of you not on the APECS list, I wanted to pass
along this great opportunity for a field school in Svalbard this
summer. Deadline coming up soon!


Dear APECS Members

We would like to bring to your attention the 2011 IPY Polar Field
School in Svalbard, which will run for the third consecutive year from
20th June - 8th July 2011, and has become a true legacy of the IPY.
The course will address environmental change in the Arctic and
Antarctic through a series of lectures and field excursions. The
program is interdisciplinary and includes geology, glaciology,
meteorology, terrestrial/marine biology, permafrost and the human
dimension in the polar regions, with particular focus on research
conducted during IPY 2007-2009. The course intends to utilize science
data obtained as a part of The International Polar Year (IPY)
2007-2009, and is a collaborative initiative between IPY Norway, UNIS,
UArctic and the Association of Early Career Polar Scientists (APECS).

The course is hosted by the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) and
is open to undergraduate and early graduate students. The registration
fee is low, and some funding is available for travel support. This is
a fantastic opportunity to be exposed, and to be a part of polar
research in a high-Arctic environment.

The deadline for applications is the 1st April 2011.

More information, including how to apply, is available here (the
movies are worth a look!):
The application deadline is fast approaching, so make sure you get
applications in quickly...
Thanks -
Gram Simpkins and Sean Buchanan - APECS Field School Network Coordinators
Apecs mailing list

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

UK Arctic Science Conference 2011

Dear UKPN,

The UK Arctic Science Conference for 2011 will be held on the 14th - 16th September at the University of Leeds.

This three-day conference aims to bring together UK Arctic scientists of all natural science disciplines: atmosphere, biology, ecology, geology, marine and terrestrial cryosphere, modern climate and palaeo-climate, oceans; their various interactions; observations and modelling; and relevant engineering research and development.

The conference will run from the afternoon of Wednesday 14th September, all through Thursday 15th September and close at lunch on Friday 16th September. There will be an icebreaker reception on the Wednesday evening, posters with drinks on the Thursday afternoon and a conference dinner Thursday evening. There will be a prize for the best student poster.

There is no fee either for registration or for the conference dinner.

All enquiries should be directed to in the first instance.

Further details, including how to register, is now available on the UK Arctic Science Conference 2011 website at

Best wishes,

UK Arctic Science Conference Organising Committee

Aisling M. Dolan
PhD Student in Palaeoclimatology

School of Earth & Environment
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

Tel: +44 (0)113 343 9085

Thursday, March 17, 2011

11th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences, Edinburgh 10th - 15th July 2011

Dear All,

The 11th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences in
Edinburgh, UK, 10th ? 15th July 2011, is shaping up to be a fantastic
event in the 2011 Polar Science calendar and the abstract submission
deadline is fast approaching.

*Thursday 31st March at 5pm GMT*

is the deadline for submitting your abstracts for oral and poster
presentations. This is also the deadline for Early Bird (cheap!)
registration. This gives you two weeks from today, so log on to and submit your abstracts and register before the
31st March!

There is funding support available for early career researchers from
ISAES, supported by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
(SCAR). Make sure you submit a funding support application form at the
time of abstract submission in order to be eligible for this funding ?
go to for more
information and to download the form.

As well as a world-class science conference, there will be an Early
Career Scientists evening featuring a panel discussion with expert
mentors on the subject of ?Succeeding in Polar Science? with
refreshments provided, followed by continued informal networking in
the conference bar. We are also planning some exciting science
outreach and public engagement events, in which APECS and UKPN members
will play a key role!

This really is going to be a great event for UKPN, APECS and Polar
Science as a whole!

Best of luck with your abstracts and funding support applications. We
look forward to welcoming you to Edinburgh in the summer!

Sian Henley
On behalf of the Organising Committee, ISAES 2011
PhD Student
Edinburgh University
Diatom Ecology and Biogeochemistry of the Antarctic sea ice zone
Supervisor: Dr Raja Ganeshram

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Monday, March 14, 2011

REMINDER UKPN AGM 18th March 2011

Hi Everyone,

Final reminder that the UKPN AGM will take place this Friday in the Ron Johnson Research Room, Floor C, in the Geography Department @ University of Sheffield. (see below for more info)

> An important date for your diaries: The UKPN AGM will be held at 2pm on Friday the 18th March, in the Geography Department, University of Sheffield.
> If you have been thinking about becoming more involved with UKPN this is the ideal time to find out more, to take up a position on the committee, and to bring your own ideas for future events to the table.
> Agenda:
> Introduction to UKPN & roundup of last years events.
> Update on events currently in the pipeline for this year
> Introduce those who currently volunteer on the committee who are continuing on, and welcome new committee members.
> Open discussion about possible future events (and funding!) Please bring your ideas & suggestions.
> Travel information can be found here
> Please RSVP if possible so I can get an idea of numbers for refreshments, but don't be afraid to just turn up if its a last min decision.
> Best wishes, and looking forward to seeing you,
> Jennifer Hall
> UKPN secretary

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

REMINDER: UKPN AGM 18th March 2011

> REMINDER: The UKPN AGM will be held at 2pm on Friday the 18th March, in the Geography Department, University of Sheffield.
> If you have been thinking about becoming more involved with UKPN this is the ideal time to find out more, to take up a position on the committee, and to bring your own ideas for future events to the table.
> Agenda:
> Introduction to UKPN & roundup of last years events.
> Update on events currently in the pipeline for this year
> Introduce those who currently volunteer on the committee who are continuing on, and welcome new committee members.
> Open discussion about possible future events (and funding!) Please bring your ideas & suggestions.
> Travel information can be found here
> Please RSVP if possible so I can get an idea of numbers for refreshments, but don't be afraid to just turn up if its a last min decision.
> Best wishes, and looking forward to seeing you,
> Jennifer Hall
> UKPN secretary