Monday, February 21, 2011

Fwd: Call for Helmholtz Young Investigator Group at the Alfred Wegener Institute (Germany)

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Call for Helmholtz Young Investigator Group 2011

The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research invites
highly qualified persons to apply for a Helmholtz Young Investigator
Group in the following topics, fitting in the research programme PACES
(Polar Regions and Coasts in a Changing Earth System):

Modern modeling approaches in the research of the earth system to
complement TOPIC 4 (Synthesis: The Earth System from a Polar
Perspective) of the current research programme PACES. Applications are
welcome from scientists with strong expertise in climate modeling. The
research topics should focus on global earth system modeling by
integrating and expanding the earth system modules coupled with improved
representation of polar processes, which opens new opportunities for
analysis of the complex processes at high latitudes and their
interaction with the global system.

Observation and formation of scenarios in polar oceanography.
Applications are welcome from scientists with strong expertise in
observational oceanography to study the status and variability of
circulation and water masses in the ocean in an interdisciplinary
context. Close cooperation with modelers is of high interest.

New approaches for combining observation and modeling in glaciology
Applications are welcome from scientists with strong expertise in the
main scientific scientific objectives of the glaciology department at
AWI. These are both the reconstruction of ice sheet volume and the mass
balance of glaciers by means of modelling, geophysical reconnaissance
methods as well as field studies and the unraveling of climatic
information stored in the ice matrix and in air bubble enclosures of
polar ice cores.

New approaches for combining physical, biogeochemical and biological sea
ice research Sea ice is one of the major drivers of changes in the polar
ecosystems. Applications are welcome from scientists with strong
expertise in the interactions of physical, biochemical and biological
processes of sea ice and its future development and consequences.

New approaches in coastal research in temperate and polar regions.
Applications are welcome from scientists with strong expertise in
processes of coastal systems. The knowledge about climate change in
coastal regions is fragmented over different disciplines. Therefore we
seek to find a candidate liking data from theses different disciplines
in order to assess the knowledge about past, ongoing and future climate
change coastal regions.

Qualifications needed are a completed university education in physics,
geophysics, meteorology, oceanography, geology, biology or an equivalent
field, an outstanding relevant PhD as well as other scientific
achievements and some experience in raising of external funds and in

How to apply – first step (as indicated on the Helmholtz web site)

Ø Interested candidates contact the AWI of their own (Dr. Angelika
Dummermuth, contact details below)
Ø Applicants are recommended, if possible, to also contact in parallel
the heads of research departments of the AWI.
Ø Applications have to reach the AWI by 31th March 2011 at the latest.
It would be preferable for applications to reach the AWI until 10th of
March 2011 as the scientific advisory council evaluating the
applications meets mid of March and to ensure that there is sufficient
time to compile the complete application documents and to contact the
Ø The AWI must be provided with a CV, a list of publications and a brief
outline of the planned work programme (Letter of Intent, max. 2 pages).
Ø No further steps are required by the applicant until the AWI requests
further action.
The AWI specifically encourages female candidates to apply with a view
towards increasing the proportion of female scientists.

Severly disabled applicants with essentially identical technical and
personal suitability will be preferentially selected. The AWI is an
equal opportunities employer.

The AWI supports balanced work-life career development via a variety of
alternatives. In Bremerhaven, the AWI operates its own nursery.

Applications should be submitted to: Dr. Angelika Dummermuth,
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Postfach 12 01
61, 27515 Bremerhaven / Germany (<>).
Applications will
be accepted until 31st March.



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