Not restricted to polar regions and issues, but probably of interest anyway!
Amélie *
Expeditions and Fieldwork Student Newsletter, February 2011 |
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| With January exams finished, it's time to start thinking about your summer travel and research plans. Geography Outdoors at the RGS-IBG can help. Come to us for expedition opportunities, fieldwork training, support and advice. |
| Volunteers Required  Working in Tandem - Summer 2011 Working in Tandem is a student led organisation, supporting educational initiatives in Tanzania. They are currently recruiting student volunteers to work in partner organisations in Tanzania. Researchers, teachers of English, French or ICT, Kindergarten and Library assistants are required. For more information click here. Balkans Peace Park Project Summer Programme - 2011 Teaching volunteers are required to work at a summer school run by The Balkans Peace Park Project (B3P), in Thethi village, set in the Albanian Alps. Volunteers must be aged over 21. Experience of teaching preferable, although not essential. For more details click here. |
| Wilderness Medical Training 'Far From Help' 12-13 March 2011 |

Travelling somewhere remote this summer? This course begins where conventional first aid stops! Designed for individuals or small groups heading out into remote areas, where medical help is not easily available. Heavily subsidised student rates. For more information see |
Need help funding your expedition? Don't forget the RGS-IBG has a series of grants available to carry out fieldwork overseas. For more information see If you are looking for expedition funding a list of other funding organisations can be found on our grants web pages see |
| GIS for Expeditions & Fieldwork 11-13 March 2011 
Does your field research have a geo-spatial element? Want to brush up your digital mapping skills? A practical GIS workshop for individuals using techniques such as GPS, remote sensing, digital mapping and data analysis as part of a field research project or expedition. The course is run by the RGS-IBG Expedition Mapping Unit. Subsidised student fees. For more information click here. |
Looking for travel inspiration? Consult our online database of over 8,500 planned and returned expeditions. Add details of your own project to the database and when you return from your fieldwork, send us a copy of your research |
| Looking to join an expedition this summer? Consult our online database of over 100 organisations offering expedition and travel opportunities at |
Find us on Facebook... Join our University Exploration Societies group on facebook and share ideas with other similar societies. Swap stories, photos and useful links. |
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