Sunday, February 16, 2025

Fw: REMINDER: Get involved with InSync (UK)

See below to get involved in the UK InSync (international Antarctic research effort) - it would be great to have as many ECRs involved as possible! 

From: Louise Sime - BAS <>
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2025 13:43
To: BAS Science <>
Subject: REMINDER: Get involved with InSync (UK)

A last  reminder on the message below..  Please do forward this to your other UK contacts who might be interested in InSync, and if interested, please do fill in the survey form by the 27th of February. Thanks!



Dear potential UK InSync member,

Antarctica InSync is a global effort to synchronize research across Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, connecting ice, ocean, climate, and life to protect this vital region. Please see Antarctica InSync and Antarctica INSYNC Factsheet for further information.

As we begin to organise the UK component of InSync, we would very much like your involvement.  If you are a resident of the UK, there are various ways for you to do this.


  1. Join the new InSyncUK mailing list.
  2. Come along to one of our two upcoming webinars. These are Tuesday the 4th of March 10:00-12:00 or Monday the 10th of March 10:00-12:00.
  3. Tell us about your idea for InSync science. We'd really like to hear about your initial research thoughts about InSync. If you do have an idea, please prepare one slide for the webinar, send it to Kate Smithson ( It does not have to be polished! You will have 2 minutes during the webinar to present your initial idea.
  4. Tell us how you would like to be involved, and whether you'd be interested in a national committee or subcommittee role.

Sign up for any combination of 1,2,3, and 4. Apologies for inevitable cross-posting, however please do also forward this message to other UK scientists who could be interested in InSyncUK.

Best wishes,


Jane Francis (UK representative for InSync)

Louise Sime (UK co-science coordinator)

Alberto Naveira-Garabato (UK co-science coordinator)

Kate Smithson (UK support)


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