Tuesday, July 16, 2024

AGU High latitude metals session

Dear UKPN members,
We invite those of you working in metal biogeochemistry to submit an abstract to our AGU session titled: B065 Metal Biogeochemistry in High Latitude Ecosystems (link to session). Please share widely within your networks to those that may be interested.
Session Description: High latitude ecosystems (including boreal, Arctic and Antarctic) are experiencing dramatic warming that has implications on the biogeochemical cycling of diverse metals and metalloids. In terrestrial landscapes, the thawing of permafrost soils can mobilize metals stored with organic carbon (e.g., mercury), release elements associated with oxide minerals through anaerobic microbial metabolism (e.g., arsenic), and accelerate the weathering of sulfide minerals (e.g., zinc and copper releases from acid rock weathering). In glacial systems, the physical and chemical weathering of rock appears to be a critical source of metals to rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. This session invites contributions on changes unfolding on the biogeochemical cycling of metals in terrestrial, coastal, and marine systems. We welcome field, laboratory, and modeling studies that consider the hydrologic and biogeochemical processes that influence metal release, transformation, and fate from high latitude ecosystem and linkages to disturbances (e.g., permafrost thaw, wildfire, glacial retreat, sea level rise).
On behalf of the conveners,
Brett Poulin (UC Davis)
Jon Hawkings (Univ. Penn)
Jon O'Donnell (NPS)
Rhiannon Jones (Univ. Southampton)