Tuesday, July 23, 2024

APECS NL and friends Book Club

Hi all,

📖 🏖️🧊 To help us stay cool during the summer holidays, APECS Netherlands, APECS Germany, APECS Italy, APECS Luxembourg and the UK Polar Network are starting a polar-inspired Book Club!

We will read "Migrations" by Charlotte McConaghy and meet in September to discuss the book.

🕑 Time: 19th September, 16.00/4pm CEST.
📍 Online meeting: The link will be shared after registration and closer to the event.

🌟 If you are not a member of APECS yet, register for a free APECS membership: https://www.apecs.is/get-involved/join-apecs.html

📧 We ask your name and e-mail to update you about the event and send you the link to our online meeting. Your data will be deleted from this form immediately after the event.  

❗ In case you have questions about anything related to the event or want to cancel your participation, please write to: info@apecsnetherlands.nl

All the best,

Lucy Stephenson (she/her) | Scientific Data Coordinator | UK Polar Data Centre | British Antarctic Survey

Outreach Officer | UK Polar Network 

Room 330a, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET

Email: lustep@bas.ac.uk  


Explore the PDC Discovery Metadata System Discovery Metadata System - British Antarctic Survey (bas.ac.uk)

Feedback for the PDC  https://forms.office.com/e/VtyQs3ZVqp

UK Polar Network https://polarnetwork.org/

Association of Polar Early Career Researchers https://apecs.is/

Visit our website www.bas.ac.uk | Follow BAS on Twitter and Facebook



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Monday, July 22, 2024

Join the UK Polar Network Committee! Deadline: 14th August

Hi all,
We are currently looking for new members to join the UK Polar Network committee for the 2024/25 year (September 2024 to August 2025). All the information you need can be found on our website https://polarnetwork.org/about-ukpn/join-the-committee/
The UK Polar Network is a group of early career polar researchers with around 500 members from aspiring undergraduates through to postdoctoral researchers, and polar scientists working in industry. We are the UK's National Committee of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and throughout the year, we organise skill and career development events for polar early career researchers, education and outreach events, and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in polar science. Over the past year, we have delivered a polar training in Dartmoor to 20 polar early career researchers, organised a workshop that brought together LGBTQ+ and ethnic minority ECRs to discuss barriers around funding and navigating fieldwork, coordinated over 1000 flags from 290 schools heading down to Antarctica, attended science festivals and conferences, with many more projects planned for the next academic year. 
We are currently searching for enthusiastic early career individuals to fill the positions of EDI officers, Festivals Officers, Polar Beers Officer, Social Media Officers, Marketing Officers and Webmaster. All positions are voluntary, with differing time commitments and flexibility. Further descriptions of each role and the role requirements can be found on the webpage above.
The application form is available on the webpage above, and the deadline is the 14th August 2024. If you have any questions, please reach out to president@polarnetwork.org.
Please do share this opportunity widely across your networks!
Kind regards,
Sam & Connor 
UKPN Presidents
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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

EPSW Session Invitation - The Real-World Impact of AI in the Polar Regions

Dear UKPN,

AI has enormous potential to provide societal, ecological, and economic benefit in the polar regions, yet real-world applications of its use remain in their infancy. Organised by researchers from the British Antarctic Survey's AI Lab, we invite you to join us in Copenhagen on Friday 6th September for a deep dive into The Real World Impact of AI in the Polar Regions, organised as part of European Polar Science Week 2024!

Talks cover a broad range of topics from a variety of institutions, including AI-driven sea ice mapping and forecasting for maritime navigation, developing air pollution forecast services for Arctic communities and policy-makers, early-warning systems for Arctic wildlife conservation and management, and identifying understudied Antarctic benthic species for population and ecosystem monitoring.

Registration is free, with sign-ups accepted until July 31st. For more information, please see the conference website (https://bit.ly/3W5xRtr). A copy of the session schedule is below for your convenience.

Thank you,

Andrew McDonald [1,2], Cameron Trotter [1], Ellen Bowler [1], and Martin Rogers [1]

[1] British Antarctic Survey, [2] University of Cambridge


PARALLEL SESSION 27 - The Real-World Impact of AI in the Polar Regions
Chairs: Pilvi Saarikoski (British Antarctic Survey) & Andreas Stokholm (Technical University of Denmark)

11:00 - 12:30, Friday 6th September 2024
The Queen's Hall, The Black Diamond, Copenhagen


AI in routine production of regional ice charts - Keld Qvistguaard (Danish Meteorological Institute)

Safe travel in the Arctic: from global artificial intelligence satellite products to local Inuit led travel safety maps - Michel Tsamados (UCL)

AI for Arctic species conservation: improving monitoring and decision-making under changing conditions - Alasdair Davies (Arribada Initiative)

Accessible air quality forecasts for Arctic communities: how AI can help citizens and policy-makers - Illaria Crotti (European Commission Joint Research Centre Italy)

Deep sea learning: Detection of Southern Ocean taxa using computer vision - Cameron Trotter & Rowan Whittle (British Antarctic Survey)


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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

AGU High latitude metals session

Dear UKPN members,
We invite those of you working in metal biogeochemistry to submit an abstract to our AGU session titled: B065 Metal Biogeochemistry in High Latitude Ecosystems (link to session). Please share widely within your networks to those that may be interested.
Session Description: High latitude ecosystems (including boreal, Arctic and Antarctic) are experiencing dramatic warming that has implications on the biogeochemical cycling of diverse metals and metalloids. In terrestrial landscapes, the thawing of permafrost soils can mobilize metals stored with organic carbon (e.g., mercury), release elements associated with oxide minerals through anaerobic microbial metabolism (e.g., arsenic), and accelerate the weathering of sulfide minerals (e.g., zinc and copper releases from acid rock weathering). In glacial systems, the physical and chemical weathering of rock appears to be a critical source of metals to rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. This session invites contributions on changes unfolding on the biogeochemical cycling of metals in terrestrial, coastal, and marine systems. We welcome field, laboratory, and modeling studies that consider the hydrologic and biogeochemical processes that influence metal release, transformation, and fate from high latitude ecosystem and linkages to disturbances (e.g., permafrost thaw, wildfire, glacial retreat, sea level rise).
On behalf of the conveners,
Brett Poulin (UC Davis)
Jon Hawkings (Univ. Penn)
Jon O'Donnell (NPS)
Rhiannon Jones (Univ. Southampton)

Monday, July 8, 2024

Northumbria University Environmental Monitoring Modelling and Reconstruction MSc

Dear UKPN subscribers,

As polar enthusiasts we thought you might like to know a little more about our taught MSc course at Northumbria University, Newcastle, entitled ‘Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Reconstruction’.

This masters course is a one year, full time taught programme with a strong research focus. It offers a great opportunity to learn and apply cutting-edge technological techniques in environmental science (where of course, you can focus on polar research techniques if you like!). Our applied approach allows graduates from any scientific background to develop the in-demand skills and theoretical understanding to succeed in industry, environmental management and consultancy, or further academic research.

This innovative Masters offers:

  • A stepping stone from any scientific discipline to a range of careers in environmental management and consultancy, geosciences or further academic research
  • A taught course with a skills focus – you will learn how to apply high-level skills required for core environmental roles in the workplace or further academic research
  • A tailored experience – you will design and carry out your own research in conjunction with staff who are leading experts in environmental sciences
  • A field trip to the Arctic (Abisko, Sweden) – a remarkable opportunity to practise a wide range of high-level data collection and analysis skills in a unique location (included in the course fee)

To find out more about the programme visit our website, where you will find summary videos about the content and more detailed information via the Modules and Learning tab: https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/study-at-northumbria/courses/environmental-monitoring-modelling-and-reconstruction-msc-dtfemm6/

You can also follow msc.emmr on Instagram


We have some a variety of in-person and virtual open days. You can book onto our events here:  https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/study-at-northumbria/postgraduate-study/northumbria-masters-open-day/book-an-event/

Please note that we have a virtual taster event on Thursday 25th July @ 16:00-17:00. You can register for it using the link above. You’ll find us under the subject area ‘Geography and Environmental Sciences’


Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may be interested in our MSc course!


Best wishes,


Kate Winter


Dr Kate Winter (She/Her)

Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences

Programme Leader for MSc Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Reconstruction


T:  +44 (0)191 227 3245

E:  k.winter@northumbria.ac.uk

W: northumbria.ac.uk  


D117, Ellison Building, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdom


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Monday, July 1, 2024

ECRs at IPY32 workshop

Dear all,

see advertisement for the workshop below. There is funding support available for ECRs with high success rates: application deadline extended until the 15th of July.

Best wishes,

held by the international  initiatives CATCH, PACES, BEPSII, ASPeCt and QUiesCENT to bring together scientists and stakeholders with an interest in atmosphere-ice-ocean research focussing on chemical, biogeochemical and physical processes in the Arctic and Antarctic and links to climate change. Cold regions which are seasonally or permanently covered by snow and ice, notably the Third Pole, are also of interest. 
  • Workshop purposes are to i) present cutting-edge interdisciplinary science, and ii)  jointly identify 'big picture' science questions, research priorities and implementation pathways for research activities in field, laboratory and modelling before and during the 5th International Polar Year (IPY) 2032-2033.
  • Workshop outcomes will include a white paper to shape IPY32 funding calls, underpin grant applications, and influence the planning of polar research cruises, field campaigns and new long-term measurement capabilities.
The workshop will fully integrate hybrid participation from attendees both on-site and on-line. We will follow a split-day schedule, with early morning and evening sessions to accommodate participants from the global span of time zones. ECRs will play active roles as session chairs and rapporteurs. Funding support is available upon request.
Dates & deadlines
  • 30 Jun Funding support request
  • 31 Jul Early bird registration
  • 1 Sep Late registration
  • 17-22 Nov workshop in Aussois, France
Register now at the IPY32 workshop webpage
Send any questions to the workshop email address: ipy2032workshop@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr

Dr Floor van den Heuvel

Cloud Physicist

CloudSense Science Coordinator

Member-at-large UK Polar Network

Atmosphere, Ice and Climate team

British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingly Road,
Cambridge CB3 0ET

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