Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Lectureships available at the University of Edinburgh, UK

Dear All,


The Global Change Research Institute of the University of Edinburgh is currently advertising two lectureships that may be of interest to many on these email lists.


Lecturer in Ecological Science (Ecology/Biodiversity/Conservation)


Lecturer in Environmental Science


The deadline for applications is Tuesday 14 February at 17:00.


Interviews for both positions are expected to be held in mid-late March 2023.


Informal enquiries about the positions may be addressed to Prof. Kate Heal (cc’ed), and I am happy to speak to interested colleagues about working in the University and living in Edinburgh.


Best wishes and best of luck to those who apply!




Dr Sian Henley

Reader in Marine Science

School of GeoSciences

University of Edinburgh


Co-Chair, Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS)

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.