Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Fw: "Poles Apart: Fascination, Fame and Folly" - A Royal Society of Tasmania publication

From: Chel Bardell <cj.bardell@bigpond.com>
Sent: 13 September 2022 04:24
To: Chel Bardell <cj.bardell@bigpond.com>
Subject: "Poles Apart: Fascination, Fame and Folly" - A Royal Society of Tasmania publication
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Our Royal Society of Tasmania publication Poles Apart: Fascination, Fame and Folly, giving historical accounts of Arctic and Antarctic exploration (taken from the Society's library and rare book collection, including some of the earliest maps of the regions), may be of interest to your institution and colleagues. A flyer is attached in both Word and PDF, and we would be grateful if you would consider distributing and/or displaying the attached flyer within your premises. Further information is available from our website: rst.org.au/order-online


Kind Regards,

Chel Bardell

Publicity Officer

The Royal Society of Tasmania

cj.bardell@bigpond.com   +61 457 194 133

Poles Apart: Fascination, Fame and Folly


The last two frontiers on Earth, the Antarctic and the Arctic, are the stuff of heroes, heartache, courage, mystery, misery, endurance and loss. All these and more are captured in the pages of Poles Apart: Fascination, Fame and Folly. This wonderful book lays out, in a series of snapshots, mankind's incredible persistent battle in firstly taming and secondly understanding our amazing icy wilderness. The Royal Society of Tasmania's library and rare book collection provides the source of the historical accounts in this book, including some of the earliest maps of these regions.

Further details can be seen on our website rst.org.au/order-online and orders can be placed directly via our Society email: admin@rst.org.au 



255 Pages - Published by

The Royal Society of Tasmania in celebration
of the Society's 175th Anniversary

       HARDCOVER - $A25                                 SOFTCOVER - $A15

                                                     Plus postage and handling


The Royal Society of Tasmania, established in 1843, is the oldest scientific society in Australia and New Zealand, and the third oldest in the Commonwealth. Our mission is "the advancement of knowledge". We recognise, support and promote academic excellence in all areas of science, the arts, history and technology. https://rst.org.au/


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