Thursday, May 26, 2022

SCAR-2022 session: Emerging frontiers in Earth observation (EO) and geoinformation (GI) science in Antarctica

Dear UKPN members

The deadline for abstract submission for the upcoming SCAR Open Science Conference (, is approaching (1st June 2022). We would like to draw your attention to our session on  Emerging frontiers in Earth observation (EO) and geoinformation (GI) science in Antarctica. Please find the session description appended below for your easy reference and request you to submit the abstract if you find it relevant to your research interest. 

Session description:

The use of emerging technologies in artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning has revolutionized geoinformation science in the recent years. Over the last two decades, rapid developments in Earth Observation (EO) satellites have made important contributions to the spectral, spatial and temporal mapping of geoinformation in cryospheric regions. The inception of new satellite sensors, the development of new analytical techniques and the exploitation of growing EO data archives have led to step changes in many areas of polar science. With the terabytes of data being generated by various satellites daily, it is pertinent to develop new ways to utilise these datasets. This session will give a platform to present and discuss new methods and new findings derived from EO data to generate meaningful geoinformation in Antarctica. Pertinent examples include the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in Antarctic Earth Observation, glaciological and mass balance product generation (DEM, glacier velocity, ice thickness, roughness, facies, blue ice), studying wildlife from space (e.g. counting whales, walruses, penguins), terrestrial biology (e.g. vegetation cover, habitat classification, species mapping), oceanographic geoinformation (sea ice extent, thickness, ocean colour, snow cover on sea ice) and many more. The session will also cover data and data systems built in support of Antarctic science; as the amount of and access to data increases, the methods to access, serve and view the Big Data environment become pressing problems. The session will focus on cross-disciplinary research across a range of Antarctic science disciplines and includes new and emerging research frontiers in Antarctic science across biology, earth science, and physical sciences. Presentations are welcomed addressing interpretation of EO data to derive geoinformation useful for the Antarctic science community.

Abstract submission link:

Apologies for cross-posting!

Best regards,
Session conveners
Shridhar Jawak, Peter Fretwell, Dariusz Ignatiuk, Peter Convey

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