❗❄Dear UKPN members ❄❗
Our sixth and final UK-Russia webinar will be held today, March 3rd at 10:00 GMT / 13:00 MSK. We will hold an open discussion on how to navigate post-Arctic fieldwork. We will have hear from experienced researchers who have undertaken various Arctic fieldwork expeditions and invite you as participants to contribute to the discussion.
Join us!
Zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85391572514?pwd=bU5tUjhxdUNFMTErbHdYUFZ0NzBMUT09
The webinar will be held in two languages (English with translation into Russian)! We will also record the session and make this available on our UK-Russia website here: https://ukrussiaarctic.wordpress.com/uk-russia_collaborations_webinar_series/