Thursday, January 20, 2022

HMS Challenger 150th anniversary - challenger society meeting 2022

Dear All,


Please see below an announcement about this year’s Challenger Society Conference and the call for sessions that has now been released.


I look forward to seeing many of you in London in September!


Best wishes,




Dr Sian Henley

Lecturer in Marine Science

School of GeoSciences

University of Edinburgh


Please find below information about the 2022 Challenger Society Conference and a call for sessions. Further information can be found on our website. We encourage you to share this with your networks and are looking forward to an excellent event celebrating Challenger 150.

“Learning from 150 years of scientific progress to become the pioneers of tomorrow.”

Conference: 6, 7, 8 September 2022
Side events: 5 & 9 September 2022

Hosted by: The Natural History Museum and Imperial College, London, UK
Venues: The meeting will be held in person at the Royal Geographical Society, Natural History Museum & Imperial College in South Kensington, London.

On 7th December 1872, the HMS Challenger departed Sheerness, the location of the Royal Navy Dockyard on the River Medway in Kent, England on a four-year global scientific expedition across the world’s oceans. It was the first truly interdisciplinary grand scientific project, international in scope and involves the study of the physics, chemistry, biology and geology of the global ocean. The UK Challenger Society and the Challenger Conferences are named after this pioneering expedition and exist to bring together UK marine scientists and international colleagues to discuss the latest science and inspire new generations of ocean researchers.

The Challenger Society Conference 2022 will mark the 150th anniversary of the Challenger Expedition and celebrate the birth of scientific, international, interdisciplinary oceanography. Challenger 150 will be the opportunity to take stock of where we have come in our science, in the way we do science, and will also be the opportunity to discuss, imagine and design the future of open, international, collaborative, inclusive and diverse marine science.

Call for Sessions

We invite the UK and the International Marine Science Community to propose scientific or discussion sessions for Challenger 150. There are no predefined themes, but the Science Programme Committee looks forward to receiving innovative session proposals that are, interdisciplinary and international in scope to honour the pioneering scientific spirit and global nature of the Challenger Expedition.

We must not forget that we live in a time of planetary emergency, and anthropogenic pressures on our oceans are greater than ever. Ocean science is critical to the understanding of issues related to climate, food security, health, energy, industrial innovation and global sustainability. We look forward to sessions that reflect these societal issues and also that look forward to the next 150 years of oceanography and seek to address sustainable and technological solutions to global problems.

To propose a session, please email with your proposed session title, session chairs (list up to 4), at least 5 potential speakers as examples of talks and any potential keynote speakers. We reemphasize our vision for a diverse and inclusive conference and therefore ask you to consider this in your session proposals. The deadline for session proposals is 31 January 2022.



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