Hi everyone,
The UK Polar Network and APECS Russia group will be running the third webinar in the series on UK-Russian collaborations in Arctic Science.
This webinar will be on the 16th December for 1 hr at 10 am GMT / 13 MSK, and will be all about overcoming cultural and language barriers. The speakers will share personal experiences and discussion best practices for overcoming what can be the biggest difficulty in collaborating bilaterally.
We look forward to seeing you there! Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88047939690?pwd=a2o0b1Z1M2llRkpIWG1mTU5DZ3cvQT09
More information and recordings of our previous seminars can be found here https://ukrussiaarctic.wordpress.com/uk-russia_collaborations_webinar_series/
Many thanks