Thursday, November 11, 2021

UKPN Mailing list: UKPN - APECS Russia Webinar 2

Dear UKPN mailing list,

Our second webinar in the UKPN-APECS Russia collaborations webinar series will be on the 25th November at 11:00 BST / 13:00 MSK. Join us to hear from experts on funding and networking opportunities, such as how to apply for funding for fieldwork in Arctic Russia! See below for zoom link.


Are you a UK/Russian scientist wanting to carry out scientific research in collaboration with Russian/UK scientists but don't know where to start? 

Perhaps you would like to learn more about funding, fieldwork and networking opportunities?


Join us for a webinar series on funding and networks, with expert speakers from both UK and Russia.


The webinar is on 25 November 13:00 MSK - 11:00 am BST.

Zoom link: