Monday, October 25, 2021

Looking for participants - Polar Impact COP26 Takeover

See below. If interested, email Prem Gill:

Victoria Dutch
PhD Candidate, Northumbria University
UK Polar Network Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer


Dear all,

Polar Impact is organising a Polar Impact COP26 Takeover, where invited members will guest host on our social media for a day during COP26 to post about their work and answer queries from the public. We have a range of participants from across the globe taking part including the first African woman to sail to the Arctic, an Iñupiaq Inuit conservation biologist, a Teochew Chinese American who studies krill poo and a Salvadorian polar oceanographer. Essentially, it's a chance for the public to meet polar explorers from across the world during COP26. If you're aware of anyone from a BAME/BIPOC background who is connected to the polar regions and may be interested in taking part, please do let us know. Participants do not have to be scientists or academics; we're keen for those who are in engaged in the polar regions in ways outside of academia to also be included.  

What is Polar Impact?

Polar Impact is an inclusive network of racial and ethnic minorities and allies in the polar research community. Our mission is to support, connect, and highlight the stories of Black, Asian, Indigenous, people of colour, and minority ethnic professionals in the polar research community. Since 2019, we have helped change the face of polar research. We illustrate the diversity of polar scientists and celebrate inspiring work in icy regions, facilitate activities to improve diversity in polar research through delivering invited talks and workshops, community building activities, skills seminars, science-art projects and other resources, and provide support and encouragement to our community. For more information on Polar Impact or how to take action visit:

Many thanks


British Antarctic Survey | WWF | Alan Turing Institute | Scott Polar Research Institute
Department of Geography
University of Cambridge
United Kingdom

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