Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Southern Ocean project questionnaire

Dear All,


With apologies for cross-posting and adding to the surge of questionnaires, please see below a message from one of my students, soliciting a small amount of help with her Masters dissertation project. Your help would be most appreciated, and hopefully this work will have tangible benefits for the entire Southern Ocean (and wider polar) community in the near-to-medium-term future!


Many thanks,



My name is Kirsty Dick, and I am currently studying for an MSc at the University of Edinburgh. For my dissertation I am exploring the potential for increased scientific support and ocean observation networks among fishing and tourism vessels in the Southern Ocean. 


As part of my research, I am conducting a short online survey which aims to establish the current challenges and opportunities around increasing the scope and scale of voluntary observing and scientific support networks among commercial vessels, with a view to developing a blue print of how to expand this important contribution to Southern Ocean science.


The questionnaire should take 5-7 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for helping with my research. For any more information, please feel free to contact me at k.dick-2@sms.ed.ac.uk.


Please find the link below:




If you have already completed an interview with me, there is no need to fill out this questionnaire in addition.


Many thanks for your time,


Kirsty Dick 

MSc Marine Systems and Policy, University of Edinburgh





Dr Sian Henley

Lecturer in Marine Science

School of GeoSciences

University of Edinburgh



The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.

UKPN Membership Survery - Closes Tommorrow!

Hi All, 

We've produced another survey to find out who makes up the UKPN and how (or if) this is changing over time. We'd be very grateful if you could take some time to fill it in; it shouldn't take more than about 5 minutes and you can skip any questions you're uncomfortable answering. 

As an incentive, you can also enter a draw to win a set of polar postcards! Email addresses for the prize draw will be removed from our survey after the draw, and will not be able to be linked back to survey responses.

The survey will close at 4pm (BST) on the 30th of June (Tommorrow), and we will publish a summary of the results on the UKPN website and send round a link to those at some point in July. If you have any questions, there's a box for comments on the last page of the survey or you can send us an email. 

Many Thanks!

Victoria Dutch & Madeline Anderson
UK Polar Network Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officers

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Monday, June 28, 2021

Summer internship at BAS

Hi all,


Please feel free to share this link for a summer intern at BAS






best wishes



Ali Teague | Postgraduate Student Co-ordinator | British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET

Email: alag@bas.ac.uk


Visit our website www.bas.ac.uk | Follow BAS on Twitter and Facebook



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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Second round: SIOS Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Training Course (HSRS), 6-10 September 2021

Hello UKPN members


The Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) will be hosting a training course on the use of 'Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Svalbard'. If you are interested to learn more about this exciting area of remote sensing, please consider applying. The training course will cover various aspects of hyperspectral remote sensing, ranging from fundamental data parameters and processing tools to applications and calibration/validation techniques. The course material will be delivered through a mixture of lectures and hands-on sessions from leading experts in the field. No prior knowledge is assumed.


This training course will be conducted on fully online mode and there is no cost involved. More information is available here: https://sios-svalbard.org/HSRScourse. The deadline to apply for this course is 30th June 2021.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me here (remotesensing@sios-svalbard.org) or William Harcourt (wdh1@st-andrews.ac.uk).


Best Regards

Shridhar and William

To unsubscribe from the UKPN list, click the following link:

Monday, June 21, 2021

UKPN Membership Survey - 10 Days to Go!

Hi All, 

We've produced another survey to find out who makes up the UKPN and how (or if) this is changing over time. We'd be very grateful if you could take some time to fill it in; it shouldn't take more than about 5 minutes and you can skip any questions you're uncomfortable answering. 

As an incentive, you can also enter a draw to win a set of polar postcards! Email addresses for the prize draw will be removed from our survey after the draw, and will not be able to be linked back to survey responses.

The survey will close at 4pm (BST) on the 30th of June, and we will publish a summary of the results on the UKPN website and send round a link to those at some point in July. If you have any questions, there's a box for comments on the last page of the survey or you can send us an email. 

Many Thanks!

Victoria Dutch & Madeline Anderson
UK Polar Network Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officers

This message is intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. Any use, disclosure or reproduction without the sender’s explicit consent is unauthorised and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please notify Northumbria University immediately and permanently delete it. Any views or opinions expressed in this message are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the University. Northumbria University email is provided by Microsoft Office365 and is hosted within the EEA, although some information may be replicated globally for backup purposes. The University cannot guarantee that this message or any attachment is virus free or has not been intercepted and/or amended.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

GW4+ Widening Participation Summer Undergraduate Research Placement on Antarctic Microbiomes

Hello UK Polar Network,


GW4+ is offering Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Placements (REPs) designed to encourage undergraduate students to consider applying for PhD projects in the Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences with the GW4+ Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) (https://www.nercgw4plus.ac.uk/undrgrad-placements). The placements will run for 6 to 8 weeks over the summer vacation period with funding of up to £3,200 is available per placement which includes £500 for project costs.


We are offering a placement on “Microbial diversity and ecology in Antarctic freshwater environments” at the Natural History Museum, supervised by Dr. Anne Jungblut. This project is a ‘widening participation’ placement available to undergraduate students in any science, mathematics, computing or related discipline who must be from a group typically underrepresented in science.


Project description: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ca5c73677b90374d82b97aa/t/60c0ed468099cf4df8f59a94/1623256390920/Anne-Jungblut_pdf.pdf


The deadline for applications is Monday the 28th June. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact myself or Dr. Anne Jungblut (a.jungblut@nhm.ac.uk).


Best wishes,

Carla Greco


GW4+ PhD Student

Natural History Museum



Internship Opportunity with IOC/UNESCO

Hi all, 

My team is looking for a summer intern at the moment to support the Ocean Decade implementation. It would be over the summer and heavily focused on Excel based data management. Not explicitly polar focused, but I know lots of you are marine scientists!

Unfortunately, the post is unpaid. But if that's something you have the capacity for then the job description is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jjdX9cObfwNhmGUHQoWBrKdnDMAMAa6i/view

And I am happy to answer questions!

Chloe Nunn

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 // www.mudskippermusings.co.uk

IOC-UNESCO Junior Consultant: c.nunn@unesco.org 
UKPN Co-Festival Coordinator: chloe.nunn@polarnetwork.com

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Monday, June 7, 2021

UKPN Membership Survey

Hi All, 

We've produced another survey to find out who makes up the UKPN and how (or if) this is changing over time. We'd be very grateful if you could take some time to fill it in; it shouldn't take more than about 5 minutes and you can skip any questions you're uncomfortable answering. 

As an incentive, you can also enter a draw to win a set of polar postcards! Email addresses for the prize draw will be removed from our survey after the draw, and will not be able to be linked back to survey responses.

The survey will close at 4pm (BST) on the 30th of June, and we will publish a summary of the results on the UKPN website and send round a link to those at some point in July. If you have any questions, there's a box for comments on the last page of the survey or you can send us an email. 

Many Thanks!

Victoria Dutch & Madeline Anderson
UK Polar Network Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officers

This message is intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged information. Any use, disclosure or reproduction without the sender’s explicit consent is unauthorised and may be unlawful. If you have received this message in error, please notify Northumbria University immediately and permanently delete it. Any views or opinions expressed in this message are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the University. Northumbria University email is provided by Microsoft Office365 and is hosted within the EEA, although some information may be replicated globally for backup purposes. The University cannot guarantee that this message or any attachment is virus free or has not been intercepted and/or amended.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

SIOS Training Course on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

Hello UK Polar Network!


The Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) will be hosting a training on course on the use of ‘Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Svalbard’. If you are interested to learn more about this exciting area of remote sensing, please consider applying. The training course will cover various aspects of hyperspectral remote sensing, ranging from fundamental data parameters and processing tools, to applications and calibration/validation techniques. The course material will be delivered through a mixture of lectures and hands-on sessions from leading experts in the field. No prior knowledge is assumed.


Key information

Dates: 6-10 September 2021

Link (including registration): https://sios-svalbard.org/HSRScourse

Location: Virtual (Zoom)



First round: Open to applicants from SIOS member institutions

Opens: 1st June 2021

Closes: 15th June 2021


Second round: Open to applicants from SIOS member and non-member institutions

Opens: 15th June 2021

Closes: 30th June 2021


If you have an questions, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Shridhar Jawak (remotesensing@sios-svalbard.org).


Best wishes,




William D. Harcourt

PhD Student in Physics

ECR Observer to the SIOS RSWG

Room 161, Telephone: +44 (0) 1334 463155

School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, KY16 9SS


Twitter: @will_harcourt


Website: www.williamharcourt.co.uk


PhD Title: ‘The application of millimetre wave radar to the study of the cryosphere’

New Paper: Subglacial Controls on dynamic thinning at Trinity-Wykeham Glacier, Prince of Wales Ice Field, Canadian Arctic.

New Blog Post: Radar monitoring of snow in Scotland…during a pandemic!?