Dear All,
UK Antarctic Science Conference 2020/21 – March 22-25 2021
We are pleased to announce a virtual hosting of the 2020 meeting that had been scheduled to take place in September 2020 at the University of Edinburgh.
We welcome contributions from ALL areas of Antarctic and Antarctic-related research, and contributions are not limited to UK researchers!
The meeting will take place from Monday 22 – Thursday 25 March, 13:00-17:00 GMT each afternoon. We anticipate sessions of 3-4x 15-minute talks interspersed with regular breakout sessions to get everyone mixing. We will also host a virtual poster session or two in cyberspace.
As part of the meeting, we will also host a scoping session for future Antarctic science priorities hosted by the UK National Committee for Antarctic Research, and there will be some activities organised through the UK Polar Network. These will hopefully include an informal panel event where ECRs have the opportunity to socialise with and get career advice from experienced Antarctic researchers, as well as some short talks/workshops. There will also be a prize draw for the opportunity to win some great merchandise for those who attend the UKPN's scheduled events!
Please take note of the deadlines for abstract submission (Friday 5 March, 3 weeks from today) and registration (Monday 15 March). Registration is free, but for setting up a secure list for the meeting you MUST register by the deadline.
Registration and abstract submission are via the following link:
Full details on the web-based platforms to be used for the conference sessions and activities and the respective joining instructions will be circulated to all participants once registration has closed.
We very much look forward to seeing you in late March.
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