Monday, January 18, 2021

FW: Call for ECR conference help

Dear polar ECRs, 


Early career researchers (ECRs) from the UK Polar Network and the Changing Arctic Ocean Programme are planning to host a two-day online conference in May 2021. The conference aims to showcase and celebrate polar research being done by UK postgraduate students and ECRs. As well as poster and oral presentations, there will be workshops with a strong focus on how to navigate career development given the current, dynamic research landscape. 


The committee is entirely ECR led and they are looking for some volunteers to help with its delivery, both in the run up to, and during, the conference. Details for the roles are below. If you'd like to get involved or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the conference co-organisers Holly Jenkins ( and Flo Atherden ( Please indicate which role and which research theme you would like to help with. 


This is a really great opportunity to gain some very relevant skills, and to bring your ideas to the forefront. 


Committee positions: 

We are looking for ECRs with expertise and interest in the following research themes to join our committee team: 

  1. Oceanography 
  2. Geology and Glaciology 
  3. Atmospheric sciences 


This role would involve: attending committee meetings approximately twice per month, reviewing submitted abstracts within your chosen research theme, organising and guiding session chairs within your research theme. 


Session chairs: 

We are looking for ECRs to chair the oral presentations during each of the talk sessions. We anticipate having parallel sessions covering the following research themes: 

  1. Ecosystems (biological and ecological sciences) 
  1. Oceanography 
  2. Geology and Glaciology 
  3. Atmospheric sciences 


Ideally, we will have multiple session chairs per theme so that responsibilities can be shared across the two days. Session chairs would be responsible for: introducing speakers, keeping speakers to time, managing audience questions, supporting speakers with IT/screen share. Guidance on zoom hosting and meeting format will be given beforehand.