UK-Russia Arctic Science Links webinar with Tomsk State University
On 22 October, 10-11:15am UK time, SIN Russia and the NERC Arctic Office are organising a UK-Russia Arctic Science Links webinar jointly with Tomsk State University "A journey along the Siberian mega-transect: Discovering Tomsk State University and environmental research". This is a unique opportunity to hear directly from Russian researchers on their ongoing and future scientific projects linked to Arctic research and climate change as well as learn more about their research infrastructure and explore potential for joint work.
From environmental monitoring in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions to Siberian rock glaciers to research into the Northern Hemisphere's largest swamp system (the Great Vasyugan Mire) – Tomsk State University covers it all and much more! We will take you on an exciting journey to discover the University's BioClimLand multidisciplinary research centre, environmental research across Siberia's mega-transect and opportunities for fieldwork and networking across Siberia through the Siberian Change Network (SecNet).
For more details on the webinar, including registration, please visit