Thursday, September 3, 2020

Last chance to apply! UKPN Public Engagement Training Opportunity


This is a reminder that the UKPN committee is pleased to be able to offer you free public engagement training and there is only one more day left to apply!
(managed to get my deadlines mixed up previously, but this time there's actually only one day left!)

The training will take place from 10:30 - 16:30 BST (with a lunch break) on September 16th, 2020 and will be led by Dr Sophie Morris. It will cover the following:

Public engagement and impact
• Exploring public engagement in the research sector
• Defining impact in the public engagement sector
• Introduction to the project management framework
• Case study group work

Managing public engagement projects
• Project management tools and techniques
• Evaluating public engagement projects
• Case study group work
• Personal project plan introduction

Personal project plan sharing and reflections
• Finish personal project plan
• Opportunity to share and reflect on personal project plans with other colleagues
• Training wrap-up

If you would like to apply please fill out this form by the 4th of September, 2020:

We will notify you of your application status by the 7th of September and will expect participants to confirm their attendance prior to the 16th. 

Please get in touch ( if you have any questions about the workshop!

Kind regards,
Chloe Nunn
Seeking employment in the marine and sustainability sciences.

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 //

UKPN Co-Festival Coordinator:

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