Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Vacancy - Cambridge, UK - Environmental AI Leader

Please would you circulate the below vacancy, closing date for applications 6 December 2020.


British Antarctic Survey are looking for a Principal Researcher in Environmental Artificial Intelligence to support and help manage the BAS AI Lab, to win funding and sustain the growth of this emerging research area.







Adam Larke | Recruitment Assistant| British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET






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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Library and Information Sciences for Arctic and Northern Studies

[If interested, please contact the two editors directly.]

From:Spencer Acadia <acadias1@gmail.com>
Sent:14 September 2020 17:05
To:Kelman, Ilan <i.kelman@ucl.ac.uk>; Genevieve Parente <genevieve.parente@gmail.com>
Subject:Call for chapter proposals: New book on library and information sciences for Arctic and Northern studies
Dear Ilan Kelman,

I hope you are well.

I wanted to get in touch with you because I found your book "Arcticness: Power and Voice from the North" from 2017 to be instrumental in the writing of a chapter for a book I edited about library and information sciences (LIS) in the Arctic. That book is being published by Routledge this December, details here: https://bit.ly/routarct. I used your book in the writing of the introductory chapter for the Arctic LIS book and wanted to say thank you for putting together such a great volume of work.

I'm now preparing a second edited book on Arctic LIS. This next book is tentatively titled: "Library and Information Sciences for Arctic and Northern Studies." For this one, myself and co-editor Genevieve Parente are looking at the publisher Springer. The call for chapter proposals can be found online here: https://bit.ly/arcticbook.

I'm curious if you might be willing to share the call among your colleagues and listservs who might be interested in this topic? Also, while I realize the topic is outside of your own specialties in global health, we would also welcome a chapter proposal from you if you have any interest or experience in any of the themes mentioned in the call. Please let us know if you have any ideas you'd like to discuss.

Thanks again, and best regards,

Spencer Acadia, editor

Genevieve Parente, editor

Committee of 2020-21!

Dear members,


I am thrilled to announce the start of our new year and the change to our 2020-2021 committee! A huge welcome to our new co-presidents – Anna Gebruk and Maxine King – who have taken over from me. I know they will bring their unique skills to the UK Polar Network and it will definitely be a great year. We are also welcoming some new members to our committee, and happily we have some people who have stayed on and are putting in hard work for another year:


Anna Gebruk - President

Maxine King - President

Holly Jenkins - Vice-President

Anuszka Mosurska - Secretary

Vicky Fowler - Treasurer

Robynne Nowicki - Co-head of education and outreach

Kate Stockings - Co-head of education and outreach

Chloe Nunn - Festivals

Eva Prendergast - Festivals

Lucie Cassarino – UKAHT integration

Fiona Old - Antarctic flags

Jennifer Arthur - Antarctic flags

Anuszka Mosurska - Social media

Maribel Garcia - Social media

Angus Naylor - Social media

Saule Akhmetkaliyeva - Head of UK Arctic -Russia ECR group

Vicky Fowler - ARCTIS organisers

Ben Boyes - ARCTIS organisers

Madeline Anderson – Equality, diversity and inclusion officer

Victoria Dutch - Equality, diversity and inclusion officer

Floortje Van Den Heuvel - Pint of Science organiser

Shridhar Jawak - APECS Observer for the Antarctic Bursary

Chelsey Baker - Member-at-large

Anna Belcher - Member-at-large

Siobhan Murtagh - Member-at-large

Katie King - Member-at-large


Check out our website in the next couple of weeks for more information and contact details for our committee. You might notice some new roles, particularly the equality, diversity and inclusion officers, so we will be making some big improvements going forward.


I have really enjoyed my time as president and am proud to have been part of this network! I’ll be supporting Maxine and Anna as vice-president, so feel free to contact any of us with any questions you have. Finally, I wish everyone good luck for the coming year!





Holly Jenkins

PhD candidate, SPITFIRE DTP & Changing Arctic Ocean (NERC)

UK Polar Network vice-president

Pronouns: she/her


National Oceanography Centre Southampton

University of Southampton Waterfront Campus

Room: 344/35

Phone: 02380598724 (ext. 28724)



Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Early Career Volunteers needed for the Arctic Ocean Action Plan Task Force

Dear All,

Hope you are well! Apologise for the spam if irrelevant. 
Below is an exciting opportunity for early career researchers with expertise in Ocean science and interest in Arctic region to join the international team developing the Arctic Action Plan of the United Nation's Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UNDOS) 2021 – 2030.

The UNDOS Arctic process includes several online meetings in Autumn 2020, and the Task Force is currently seeking volunteers to join working groups and contribute to the discussions before the launch of the Decade in 2021.

The working groups are formed around the key goals/societal outcomes of the Decade, namely:
  • Group 1. A clean ocean where sources of pollution are identified, reduced or removed.
  • Group 2. A healthy and resilient ocean where marine ecosystems are understood and managed.
  • Group 3. A productive ocean supporting sustainable food supply and a sustainable ocean economy.
  • Group 4. A predicted ocean where society understands and can respond to changing ocean conditions.
  • Group 5. A safe ocean where life and livelihoods are protected from ocean-related hazards.
  • Group 6. An accessible ocean with open and equitable access to data, information and technology and innovation.
  • Group 7. An inspiring and engaging ocean where society understands and values the ocean in relation to human wellbeing and sustainable development.
To apply to join one of the working groups please fill in short application form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2htn4f7gske9KJf2Wxo_muijOSWdDMGHH0okvjn0u8JuVJA/viewform
To learn more about the process, follow the link: https://www.oceandecade.dk/arctic-workshop
Please note, that deadline for applications is 25th September and first meeting is on the 1st October.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Best wishes,


Kind regards,
Anna Gebruk

PhD candidate, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh

James Hutton Rd, King's Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3FE

м. +44 (7471) 44-1813

w. https://changingoceans.com/anna-gebruk/

UK Polar Network (Co)President 2020/2021
е. anna.gebruk@polarnetwork.org

w. www.polarnetwork.org


Head of international collaboration, Lomonosov Moscow State University Marine Research Center 

е. a.gebruk@marine-rc.ru

w. www.marine-rc.ru

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Friday, September 4, 2020

UK-Russia Arctic Links webinar with Yugra State University - 14 September

The NERC Arctic Office, together with the UK Science and Innovation Network in Russia and Yugra State University are organising a UK-Russia Arctic Science Links Webinar on the 14th September 2020, from 1100 to 1200pm UK time.

Time: 14 September 2020, 11:00-1200pm UK time

Venue: Online (dial-in details to be circulated nearer the time)

Organisers: NERC Arctic Office, UK Science and Innovation Network in Russia and Yugra State University

Eventbrite registration link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/116703468215


Join us for the webinar to hear directly from Yugra State University's leading researchers on the University's ongoing and future scientific projects linked to the Arctic and climate change. Topics  include: environmental monitoring, paleo-climate reconstruction, peatlands & wetlands and, carbon cycling. Discover the fantastic Mukhrino Research Station and hear about opportunities for fieldwork in West Siberia, and learn more about the region and what makes it a unique research environment.

Located in the north of West Siberia, Yugra State University is an exciting place for Arctic research. A member of the University of the Arctic, the University is home to the UNESCO chair on "Environmental dynamic and global climate changes" and manages its very own Mukhrino Research Station which is part of the EU Horizon 2020 INTERACT programme (details below).

The University has links with the UK science community and is keen to develop more. In February this year, ARCTIS2020 – a bespoke UK-Russia field course for early career researchers in the Russian Arctic – was organised in Khanty-Mansyisk, at the University and the Mukhrino Research Station, by the UK Polar Network and APECS Russia.

Dr Evgeny Zarov
Dr Nina Filippova
Dr Egor Dyukarev

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Last chance to apply! UKPN Public Engagement Training Opportunity


This is a reminder that the UKPN committee is pleased to be able to offer you free public engagement training and there is only one more day left to apply!
(managed to get my deadlines mixed up previously, but this time there's actually only one day left!)

The training will take place from 10:30 - 16:30 BST (with a lunch break) on September 16th, 2020 and will be led by Dr Sophie Morris. It will cover the following:

Public engagement and impact
• Exploring public engagement in the research sector
• Defining impact in the public engagement sector
• Introduction to the project management framework
• Case study group work

Managing public engagement projects
• Project management tools and techniques
• Evaluating public engagement projects
• Case study group work
• Personal project plan introduction

Personal project plan sharing and reflections
• Finish personal project plan
• Opportunity to share and reflect on personal project plans with other colleagues
• Training wrap-up

If you would like to apply please fill out this form by the 4th of September, 2020: https://forms.gle/ThmkhPwSxFykbeHu6

We will notify you of your application status by the 7th of September and will expect participants to confirm their attendance prior to the 16th. 

Please get in touch (chloe.nunn@polarnetwork.org) if you have any questions about the workshop!

Kind regards,
Chloe Nunn
Seeking employment in the marine and sustainability sciences.

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 // www.mudskippermusings.com

UKPN Co-Festival Coordinator: chloe.nunn@polarnetwork.com

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