Monday, July 13, 2020

IGS British Branch and UK Antarctic Science meetings postponed

Dear All,


Unfortunately, as many of you may already have suspected, the University of Edinburgh is no longer able to host the planned consecutive meetings of the IGS British Branch and UK Antarctic Science Conference this coming September.


We are now working with the IGS Early-Career Glaciology Group (EGG) and colleagues in the National Committee for Antarctic Research (NCAR) on some online alternatives to both meetings for later in the year. The details are to be confirmed and will come to this distribution list in due course, but they will now be separate meetings, and not tied to the previously circulated dates in early September.


Looking to 2021 and 2022, I’m pleased to notify you that the IGSBB committee have agreed that the University of Liverpool will host a September 2021 IGS British Branch (exact dates tbc), and that we at Edinburgh are now working on remounting a combined IGS British Branch / UK Antarctic Science Conference for 27 August – 2 September 2022.


Best wishes to all and I hope you are staying safe,



The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.