Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Public Engagement Training Opportunity

Hi All,

Due to the Covid-19 situation we (UKPN Committee) have been unable to connect with you in person at conferences and festivals, and have had to cancel other engagement activities you may have been involved in such as school visits. However, we would like to offer some virtual training opportunities for improving public engagement skills!

Would you be interested in attending a free public engagement workshop series? Please register your interest here! 

For more information:

Title of training: Public Engagement Project management SOS: How to get the most out of your public engagement project, led by Dr Sophie Morris
Structure of the training: Total training time of 5 hours split over 3 sessions with some reflective based learning in between
Session 1 (2 hours): Public engagement and impact
Session 2 (2 hours): Managing public engagement projects
Session 3 (1 hours): Personal project plan sharing and reflections

After we have an estimate on numbers of those who would be interested in participating we will be in touch with further details about how to apply for the workshop. 

We hope you are all managing at this uncertain time. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance and we look forward to hearing from you about this particular support we'd like to offer!

Kind Regards,
Chloe Nunn
Share your Covid-19 stories of preparedness: https://arcg.is/1jvCra 

MSc Sustainability // BSc Oceanography
+44 7519038793 // www.mudskippermusings.com

Environmental Compliance Consultant: cnunn@loraxcompliance.com
UKPN Co-Festival Coordinator: chloe.nunn@polarnetwork.com

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