- Full programme of the summit here: https://www.assw2020.is/program/science
- Arctic Observing Science agenda: https://aos2020agenda.org/march-31/
- Poster session information: https://aos2020agenda.org/posters/
- Registration: https://www.assw2020.is/registration
Kind regards,
Anna Gebruk
PhD candidate, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh
James Hutton Rd, King's Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3FE
м. +44 (7471) 44-1813
w. https://changingoceans.com/anna-gebruk/
UK Polar Network committee 2019/2020
е. anna.gebruk@polarnetwork.org
w. www.polarnetwork.org
Ecologist, Marine Research Centre of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Sent: 23 March 2020 10:54
Subject: Digital volunteering for the Arctic Observing Summit 2020
Hi all,
Volunteers are needed to at the Arctic Observing Summit during Arctic Science Summit 2020. This could be an excellent opportunity for those who are part of the UKPN to participate in this program and help assist in the move to digital for a critical arctic summit. The organisers are in need of volunteers to assist in monitoring chats, handling technical issues, and managing working groups sessions. If you think you can help, click here for more information https://mailchi.mp/3b2768d760fa/call-for-assw2020-online-volunteers?fbclid=IwAR2ZA_DLIF9kOITuQRg2i1JgooEuFAti_ZnJBF_GdUtSG320xPgxjpX886I.
Holly Jenkins
PhD candidate, SPITFIRE DTP & Changing Arctic Ocean (NERC)
UK Polar Network President
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
University of Southampton Waterfront Campus
Room: 344/35
Phone: 02380598724 (ext. 28724)
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