Friday, November 22, 2019

White Sea Conference in St. Petersburg

White Sea Student Scientific Session is the annual conference for students working in the fields of Biology, Soil science, Geography, Oceanology, Geology etc. in the Arctic.

The 4-th conference will be held on February 6–7, 2020.

The main type of presentations are posters. In addition to poster session, a special oral session will feature 2-minute poster presentations. Organizers will choose 5-10 student abstracts for 10-minute talks.

The program also includes invited talks of specialists from different academical institutions, universities and companies about their work in the Arctic.

For the first time the conference is bilingual, so you are welcome to make your presentation in Russian or in English.

Registration is open till December 1, 2019.
The abstract deadline is December 15, 2019.

If you want to make a presentation, please contact organizers by e-mail: