Friday, September 6, 2019

FW: NERC CAO: Post Doctoral Position in Arctic Ecosystem Modelling in Southampton

See job ad below for Arctic ecosystem modeller in Southampton






Dr Anna Belcher | Ecological Biogeochemist| British Antarctic Survey

High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET

Email: |Tel: +44 (0)1223 221281


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From: CROCKET Kirsty <>
Sent: 06 September 2019 14:23
Subject: [cao-all] NERC CAO: Post Doctoral Position in Arctic Ecosystem Modelling in Southampton


Dear all


Ben Ward (Micro-ARC) is currently advertising for an Arctic ecosystem modeller – please see the description and contact details for Ben below.


The position is based at the University of Southampton, UK.


Full details of the position can be found here:

More information about the Micro-ARC project:


Deadline for applications: Sunday 6 October 2019


Please circulate to anyone who might be interested. If you are on Twitter, please retweet the advert if you come across it (I am advertising it from @NERC_CAO).


Best wishes,




I am looking for an ecosystem modeller to examine how plankton community structure and function is most likely to change in a warming Arctic


We are looking to recruit an enthusiastic and highly skilled individual to investigate the microbial foundations of the Arctic Ocean food-web. The recruited Post-Doctoral Research Fellow will work to identify and constrain the underlying mechanisms that cause the size structure of Arctic microbial communities to differ fundamentally from those of lower-latitude oceans. The work will form a key component of the wider project 'Understanding the links between pelagic microbial ecosystems and organic matter cycling in the changing Arctic' (micro-ARC: which itself forms part of the broader Changing Arctic Ocean programme ( co-funded by NERC and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


I am particularly keen to recruit someone with experience of parameter optimisation, although this is not essential.


For more information, and how to apply...







Ben Ward

Royal Society University Research Fellow
School of Ocean and Earth Sciences
University of Southampton, Waterfront Campus
European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK
t: +44 (0) 23 8059 6041  








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