Exciting news from APECS Norway, Russia and UK – we will be running a workshop alongside the Svalbard Science Conference in Oslo in November this year.
The focus of the workshop is to share information about conducting research in Svalbard, helping, in particular ECR's know in advance the logistics and infrastructure available to carry out future research. The outline of the workshop is:
Research in Svalbard: An APECS workshop
Main workshop Session 1. Logistics and Funding
Main workshop Session 2. Environment
Main workshop Session 3. Data sharing and Outreach
Main workshop Session 4. Discussion and breakout groups
Main workshop Session 5. Posters and icebreaker
So save the date of 4th November 2019 and keep an eye out for us sending out more details and a link to register for the APECS workshop.
Additionally, the deadline for registration of the Svalbard Science Conference is 15th June, so take a look at the website here and be sure to get your abstract in on time. Places will be limited at the workshop, with the priority going to those participating in the Svalbard science conference, so get your abstracts in!
Dr Anna Belcher | Ecological Biogeochemist| British Antarctic Survey
High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET
Email: annbel@bas.ac.uk |Tel: +44 (0)1223 221281
NERC is part of UK Research and Innovation www.ukri.org
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