Hi everyone,
Had this email through and thought I'd pass it on in case anyone is interested on doing some outreach with the royal society this summer:
Hi all,
The Royal Society is looking for reliable and highly motivated volunteers to work at the 2019 Summer Science Exhibition, taking place on 1 - 7 July 2019 in London.
The Summer Science Exhibition gives members of the public a unique opportunity to chat to scientists conducting the most exciting cutting-edge science and technology research across the UK, as well as offering a packed programme of interactive shows, talks and activities for all ages throughout the week.
With so much going on, we rely on our dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers to ensure the success of this event. We are looking for people who are happy to engage in a wide variety of tasks, have good team working skills, are comfortable talking to the public, have an interest in science and, above all, are enthusiastic.
If you're interested, please see full details here: https://careers-royalsociety.icims.com/jobs/1297/volunteers---the-royal-society-summer-science-exhibition-2019/job
All applications should be submitted by Friday 3 May. Please direct any enquiries to exhibition@royalsociety.org.
Assistant Public Engagement Manager
The Royal Society
Dr Anna Belcher
Ecological Biogeochemist
British Antarctic Survey
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