Tuesday, March 12, 2019

URGENT: Opportunity for paid polar activity day in Leicester! March 18th

Hi All

I am calling on the pool of polar expertise to hopefully help out and take up a great opportunity! 

My name is Robynne and I am on the Education and Outreach team for UKPN. I work for a company called Education Through Expeditions, running "polar fun days" at schools across the country. They are similar to the school visits we offer, but a bit more in depth and with more activities, as it will span the whole school day. I am booked to run a day in Leicester with Year 4  pupils on March 18th (next Monday) but I'm no longer available as I will be preparing for PhD interview. 

You will have to go up to Leicester the night before and then get to the school by about 8:30 the next day, working until 3. All transport and accommodation is paid for, you get £30 allowance for food and then £150 as a day rate, so it's a pretty sweet deal! 

The requirements are simply that you have been to and have experience in the polar regions, and so can talk to the kids about first hand experiences. It will involve you doing a personal presentation (~20mins) about your time and experience with the polar regions, usually with a Q&A session, and will also include running activities throughout the day. I would recommend that you're comfortable with public speaking! I have powerpoints and instructions for all of the activities, you just may want to make your own personal presentation with your own pictures and story etc. I am happy to call, skype or meet in person to go over how the day will be run and give any tips. 

The days are great fun and the children always absolutely love the day! It's pretty easy going and the day usually carries itself.  

Please let me know if you have any questions at all,  or if you are interested ASAP (as I will need to know by lunchtime tomorrow), and we can go from there :) 

Cheers everyone! 